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  • js中的事件委托或是事件代理详解
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  • ECMAScript_prototype原型
    </br><a href="#1">1.原型</a><a href="#2">2.每个函数对象都有原型对象</a><a href="#3">3.属性搜索原则</a><a href="#4">4.顶级函数对象Object唯一原型</a><a href="#5">5.原型链</a><a href="#6">6.原型链达到假继承,函数对象原型链</a><a href="#7">7.替换原型对象</a><a href="#8">8.__proto__的兼容性</a></br></br><h3 id="1"&g
  • lcript from carol
    A simple script for HTML to do. https://carolcoral.github.io/Lcript/ [TOC] Version:0.1 Features 1.<a href="#fuzzy_search_ajax">Fuzzy search for ajax</a> 2.<a href="#fuzzy_search_ajax">Highlighted Search results</a> 3.<a href="#hidden_click">Click blank to hide search results</a> 4.<a href="#strim">Remove the white space on both sides of the string</a> 5.<a href="#alert_text">Pop up the text text in the specifie

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