以下为Node class在Tensorflow里面的定义。详见:tensorflow/core/graph/graph.h。我们将在其代码中逐个分析其不同的属性与方法。
class Node { public: string DebugString() const; int id() const { return id_; } // 每个节点都会分配这么一个固定的id,同一副图里面的不同Node有着其唯一的标识id int cost_id() const { return cost_id_; } // 此处主要标明Node 内存分配相关的id,有些Node为ref类型Node,可能其实现当中并不实际分配内存而只是引用其它Node节点里面分配的内存;这样它们将拥有相同的cost_id,它在对图的内存分配优化及优先级策略上有指导、帮助的意义 const string& name() const; const string& type_string() const; // 显示不同的type,如有的为Conv,有的为Multmul,还有则为Send或Recv等 const NodeDef& def() const; //输出Node的protocol buffer definition const OpDef& op_def() const; //输出此Node相关联的Op的protocol buffer definition /* 以下主要为Node的输入、输出Tensor类型、数量及其引用等,容易理解 */ // input and output types int32 num_inputs() const; DataType input_type(int32 i) const; const DataTypeVector& input_types() const; int32 num_outputs() const; DataType output_type(int32 o) const; const DataTypeVector& output_types() const; /* 用户可指定或查询某Node节点执行所用的device,但其在真正执行时,executor只是参考此建议,最终真正所用的device还是由executor综合考虑后决定 */ // The device requested by the user. For the actual assigned device, // use assigned_device_name() below. const string& requested_device() const; // This changes the user requested device but not necessarily the device that // on which the operation will run. void set_requested_device(const string& device); // 以下一组函数可用来查询/添加/删除此Node所具有的属性 // Read only access to attributes AttrSlice attrs() const; template <typename T> void AddAttr(const string& name, const T& val) { SetAttrValue(val, AddAttrHelper(name)); } void ClearAttr(const string& name); // Inputs requested by the NodeDef. For the actual inputs, use in_edges. const protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<string>& requested_inputs() const; //以下为一组功能函数,具体来查询输入、输出的Edges/Nodes,并使用不同的数据结构返回,因为此类操作在Tensorflow中使用非常频繁,因此需要考虑数据结构的效率、内存使用等特点 // Get the neighboring nodes via edges either in or out of this node. This // includes control edges. gtl::iterator_range<NeighborIter> in_nodes() const; gtl::iterator_range<NeighborIter> out_nodes() const; const EdgeSet& in_edges() const { return in_edges_; } const EdgeSet& out_edges() const { return out_edges_; } // Returns into '*n' the node that has an output connected to the // 'idx' input of this Node. Status input_node(int idx, const Node** n) const; Status input_node(int idx, Node** n) const;private: friend class Graph; //Graph与Node经常会相互调用彼此函数,这里设为友类 Node(); NodeProperties* properties() const { return props_.get(); } void Initialize(int id, int cost_id, std::shared_ptr<NodeProperties> props); // Releases memory from props_, in addition to restoring *this to its // uninitialized state. void Clear(); };
// A set of mutually exclusive classes for different kinds of nodes, // class_ is initialized in the Node::Initialize routine based on the // node's type_string(). enum NodeClass { NC_UNINITIALIZED, NC_SWITCH, NC_MERGE, NC_ENTER, NC_EXIT, NC_NEXT_ITERATION, NC_LOOP_COND, NC_CONTROL_TRIGGER, NC_SEND, NC_HOST_SEND, NC_RECV, NC_HOST_RECV, NC_CONSTANT, NC_VARIABLE, NC_IDENTITY, NC_GET_SESSION_HANDLE, NC_GET_SESSION_TENSOR, NC_DELETE_SESSION_TENSOR, NC_METADATA, NC_SCOPED_ALLOCATOR, NC_COLLECTIVE, NC_OTHER // Not a special kind of node };
以下两个结构分别抽象表示Node的输入、输出张量(Tensor),本质上Tensorflow图上流动的正是如此一个个Input/Output tensors。
// Represents an input of a node, i.e., the `index`-th input to `node`.struct InputTensor { const Node* node; int index; InputTensor(const Node* n, int i) : node(n), index(i) {} InputTensor() : node(nullptr), index(0) {} };// Represents an output of a node, i.e., the `index`-th output of `node`. Note// that a single `OutputTensor` can correspond to multiple `Edge`s if the output// is consumed by multiple destination nodes.struct OutputTensor { const Node* node; int index; OutputTensor(const Node* n, int i) : node(n), index(i) {} OutputTensor() : node(nullptr), index(0) {} };
class NodeProperties { public: NodeProperties(const OpDef* op_def, const NodeDef& node_def, const DataTypeSlice inputs, const DataTypeSlice outputs) : op_def(op_def), node_def(node_def), input_types(inputs.begin(), inputs.end()), output_types(outputs.begin(), outputs.end()) {} const OpDef* op_def; // not owned NodeDef node_def; const DataTypeVector input_types; const DataTypeVector output_types; };
在下面我们从class Edge的代码里来分析下TF中边的实现。详细可见:tensorflow/core/graph/graph.h
class Edge { public: //我们介绍过边表示Nodes之间的依赖关系,此处即为dst节点执行所需的某个输入依赖于来自src节点的某个输出或者作为控制边要求src节点的执行先于节点dst完成 Node* src() const { return src_; } Node* dst() const { return dst_; } int id() const { return id_; } //TF Graph当中与Node一样,每个边也有其唯一的标识id // Return the index of the source output that produces the data // carried by this edge. The special value kControlSlot is used // for control dependencies. int src_output() const { return src_output_; } // Return the index of the destination input that consumes the data // carried by this edge. The special value kControlSlot is used // for control dependencies. int dst_input() const { return dst_input_; } // Return true iff this is an edge that indicates a control-flow // (as opposed to a data-flow) dependency. bool IsControlEdge() const; string DebugString() const;private: Edge() {} friend class EdgeSetTest; friend class Graph; Node* src_; Node* dst_; int id_; int src_output_; int dst_input_; };