在上篇“图的构建”中,我们有讲过TF里面是如何将一个GraphDef转换为真正执行所用的Graph的。照此理解的话,我们使用TF 上层API构建出的深度学习模型最终在底层生成了GraphDef;然后再进一步由上篇讲过的两个函数(ConvertGraphDefToGraph和ImportGraphDef)之一生成Graph用于执行训练或推理。
但是实际上,TF内部的真正实现并非如此即"High level API 写的程序 -> 生成一张GraphDef表示的图 -> 转换为最终执行计算所用的Graph"。
它实际的转换步骤有些小Tricky。先是High level API写程序时直接构成Graph -> 转换为由GraphDef表示的图 -> 再变换为最终执行所需的Graph。 注意在此步骤序列当中,第三步最终生成出来的Graph与第一步直接由我们用API所描述的Graph是不相同的,它有经过ConvertGraphDefToGraph时,多加了一些功能部分像BackEdges,Source/Sink节点以及这两个特殊节点与原图之间的边,还有一些完全检查、约束等等。
本章当中,我们主要分析下TF里面如何在前端使用那些High level API在底层构建Graph,然后再转换为GraphDef的。它的主要实现可见于class GraphDefBuilder 当中。详细内容可见于tensorflow/core/graph/graph_constructor.h与tensorflow/core/graph/graph_constructor.cc。
GraphDefBuilder类实现了大部分由前端API构建出底层的初步Graph这一工作。它在完成这一工作时具体又使用了像NodeBuilder这样的负责某一节点构建的类的功能。至于从初步生成的Graph到GraphDef这一步骤转换则主要由我们此系列文章中第一篇所介绍过的class Graph来完成。
// GraphDefBuilder b;// using namespace ::tensorflow::ops; // NOLINT(build/namespaces)// Node* na = Const(7, b.opts());// // Note: WithName() returns a copy, opts is unchanged.// Node* nb = Const(5, b.opts().WithName("control-input"));// Node* nc = Identity(na, b.opts().WithControlInput(nb));// GraphDef graph_def;// Status status = b.ToGraphDef(&graph_def);// if (!status.ok()) { /* Handle error */ }//// In tests you can skip the status handling via:// GraphDefBuilder b(GraphDefBuilder::kFailImmediately);// ...// b.ToGraphDef(&graph_def);
以下则为class GraphDefBuilder的具体定义。我们会发现它有一个主要的内部class定义,Options。这个选项类提供了大部分的构建Node的功能。几乎GraphDefBuilder内部的每个成员函数都会使用一个Options的引用参数来负责具体实现成员函数的功能。
class GraphDefBuilder { public: // Options for adding a Node to a Graph. class Options { public: // Sets the Graph (that Nodes will be added to) and the status. The // status may be set to nullptr, in which case errors cause CHECK // failures. The graph and status must outlive *this. Options(Graph* graph, Status* status); ~Options(); // Methods for setting options. These are const methods: they // return a copy of *this with the option set. Options WithName(StringPiece name) const; Options WithDevice(StringPiece device) const; Options WithControlInput(Node* control_input) const; Options WithControlInputs(gtl::ArraySlice<Node*> control_inputs) const; // Given the Op type name, return a name for a node of that type. // Uses the value set in WithName() if that has been called. Otherwise, // returns a name built out of the Op type name. string GetNameForOp(StringPiece op) const; // Sets the device, adds control inputs, adds attrs, and calls Finalize(). // If Finalize returns an error, it is saved and this function returns // nullptr. Node* FinalizeBuilder(NodeBuilder* builder) const; // Updates the associated status, if any, or calls TF_CHECK_OK if none. void UpdateStatus(const Status& status) const; // Accessor const OpRegistryInterface* op_registry() const { return graph_->op_registry(); } private: Options WithNameImpl(StringPiece name); Options WithDeviceImpl(StringPiece device); Options WithControlInputImpl(Node* control_input); Options WithControlInputsImpl(gtl::ArraySlice<Node*> control_inputs); template <class T> Options WithAttrImpl(StringPiece name, T&& value) { attrs_.emplace_back(std::string(name), AttrValue()); SetAttrValue(std::forward<T>(value), &attrs_.back().second); return *this; } Graph* const graph_; Status* const status_; string name_; string device_; std::vector<Node*> control_inputs_; std::vector<std::pair<string, AttrValue>> attrs_; }; };
// Start building a new graph. explicit GraphDefBuilder( const OpRegistryInterface* op_registry = OpRegistry::Global()) : graph_(op_registry), opts_(&graph_, &status_) {} // Gets the Options with the associated Graph and Status. const Options& opts() const { return opts_; } // Once all the nodes have been added, call this to get whether it was // successful, and if so fill *graph_def. Status ToGraphDef(GraphDef* graph_def) const; // Adds the function and gradient definitions in `fdef_lib` to this graph's op // registry. Ignores duplicate functions, and returns a bad status if an // imported function differs from an existing function or op with the same // name. Status AddFunctionLibrary(const FunctionDefLibrary& fdef_lib) { return graph_.AddFunctionLibrary(fdef_lib); } // Returns whether a user-defined function with `name` already exists in the // graph. bool HasFunction(const string& name) { return graph_.flib_def().Find(name) != nullptr; } private: Graph graph_; Status status_; Options opts_; };
Node* GraphDefBuilder::Options::FinalizeBuilder(NodeBuilder* builder) const { builder->ControlInputs(control_inputs_); if (!device_.empty()) builder->Device(device_); for (const auto& attr : attrs_) { builder->Attr(attr.first, attr.second); } Node* returned_node; UpdateStatus(builder->Finalize(graph_, &returned_node)); return returned_node; }
可实际上,当下TF中会先将此Graph成员变量转变为一个GraphDef,然后再进一步调用ConvertGraphDefToGraph将它塑造为完整可用的最终Graph。此一转换步骤,我们在上一篇blog中有过提及,它会涉及到许多功能的完善、添加像Source/Sink nodes与图的连接,完整、安全性检查及控制节点的加入等等。
// Converts the `GraphDef` being built by `builder` to a `Graph` and// stores it in `*graph`.// TODO(josh11b): Make this faster; right now it converts// Graph->GraphDef->Graph. This cleans up the graph (e.g. adds// edges from the source and to the sink node, resolves back edges// by name), and makes sure the resulting graph is valid.Status GraphDefBuilderToGraph(const GraphDefBuilder& builder, Graph* graph);