JAXB使用教程-Learn form examplesJAXB教程 Java为处理XML文件和结构提供了多种选择,目前应用最为广泛的是JAXB工具库。JAXB代表了Java处理XML文件的事实上标准,它提供了Java对象与XML文本之间互相转换的功能。从JRE6开始,JAXB就已经成为了JRE的内置模块。 在JAXB之前,Java处理XML的方式只能是使用DOM解析,而采用这种方式并不是一个最优的解决方案,因为DOM解析几乎不能将XML与Java对象映射起来,所有的值类型都只能映射为String字符串。JAXB为XML节点和属性提供了各种面向对象的处理方式,可以基于自定义类型、注解等方式
MySQL 错误处理例子Error Handler Examples Here are some examples of handler declarations: If any error condition arises (other than a NOT FOUND ), continue execution after setting l_error=1 : DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION SET l_error=1; If any error condition arises (other than a NOT FOUND ), exit the current block or stored program after issuing a ROLLBACK statement and issuing an error message: DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION BEGIN ROLLBACK; SELECT 'E
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tensorflow报错:tensorflow报错:InvalidArgumentError: Assign requires shapes of both tensors to match. lhs shape= [12] rhs shape= [6]我是在执行tensorflow/examples/speech_commands/freeze.py时报的错,具体错误如下:(tensorflow) ubuntu@VM-0-13-ubuntu:~/tf3$ python tensorflow/examples/speech_commands/freeze.py \ > --start_checkpoint=/tmp/speech_commands_train/conv.ckpt-18000 \ > --output_file=/tmp/my_frozen_graph.pb 2018-09-13 14:34:38.589857: I&
- 2. 保存响应 如果请求已经被保存在集合中,那么请求的响应就可以被保存。你可以通过点击“Save Response”按钮来保存响应。无论何时加载请求,为该请求保存的所有响应都将作为示例可用。单击右上方的 Examples 下拉列表,查看并选择保存的示例。
- 1.3 grpc 开发案例 项目目录准备安装 gRPC由于google 正常无法访问,所以Go 1.13 版本可以添加代理方便使用。推荐https://goproxy.io/ 。go get -u google.golang.org/grpc安装 Golang 语言得 proto 插件go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go官方已经提供了一个 helloworld example。包含在刚才go get grpc 中。cd $GOPATH/src/google.golang.org/grpc/examples/helloworld我们把它拷贝到我们自己项目中。测试运行下。先运行 server 端再运行 client 端就会输出 Hello world 了。下面我们根据这个例子修改下。改成 Hello Mooc。
- 1.2 RFC2396 解读 RFC2396 的规约中对 URI 3 个单词有如下定义:UniformityUniformity provides several benefits: it allows different types ofresource identifiers to be used in the same context, evenwhen the mechanisms used to access those resources may differ; it allows uniform semantic interpretation of common syntactic conventions across different types of resource identifiers; it allows introduction of new types of resource identifiers without interfering with the way that existing identifiers are used; and, it allows the identifiers to be reused in many different contexts, thus permitting new applications or protocols to leverage a pre-existing, large, and widely-used set of resource identifiers.有一个统一的格式,这个格式允许我们访问不同类型的资源,即使他们有同样的上下文,并且这个格式是可扩展的,允许后面有新的协议加入。ResourceA resource can be anything that has identity. Familiar examples include an electronic document, an image, a service (e.g., “today’s weather report for Los Angeles”), and a collection of other resources. Not all resources are network “retrievable”; e.g., human beings, corporations, and bound books in a library can also be considered resources. The resource is the conceptual mapping to an entity or set of entities, not necessarily the entity which corresponds to that mapping at any particular instance in time. Thus, a resource can remain constant even when its content—the entities to which it currently corresponds—changes over time, provided that the conceptual mapping is not changed in the process.资源是任何可标识的东西,文件图片甚至特定某天的天气等,它是一个或者一组实体的概念映射。IdentifierAn identifier is an object that can act as a reference to something that has identity. In the case of URI, the object is a sequence of characters with a restricted syntax.表示可标识的对象。也称为标识符。
- 3. Docker 安装 在不同的操作系统中都可以安装 Docker ,本节内容中只演示 Ubuntu 环境下的 Docker 安装。本次安装演示的 Ubuntu 版本为 Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS 。apt 更换国内源在安装应用之前,我们需要把 apt 更换为国内源,这里我们选择阿里云的 mirros.aliyun.com。# 备份 apt 源列表文件sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak# 更换源为 mirros.aliyun.comsudo sed -i s@/archive.ubuntu.com/@/mirrors.aliyun.com/@g /etc/apt/sources.list# 更新源sudo apt-get cleansudo apt-get update更换完毕后,我们还需要安装 apt 的一些工具,如 https,curl 等。安装 apt 依赖包sudo apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common获取 GPG 密钥证书我们这里使用阿里云的镜像来获取 GPG 密钥:curl -fsSL http://mirrors.aliyun.com/docker-ce/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -获取成功会返回 OK ,我们使用 apt-key finger 命令查看:apt-key finger# 输出密钥信息/etc/apt/trusted.gpg--------------------pub rsa4096 2017-02-22 [SCEA]9DC8 5822 9FC7 DD38 854A E2D8 8D81 803C 0EBF CD88uid [ unknown] Docker Release (CE deb) <docker@docker.com>sub rsa4096 2017-02-22 [S]密钥添加成功后,我们就可以开始后续的安装了。添加 Docker 源为了更快速的安装 Docker,这里我们添加阿里云的 Docker 源,首先我们先使用 lsb_release -a 命令获取当前系统的 Codename:lsb_release -a# 输出系统信息No LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: UbuntuDescription: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTSRelease: 20.04Codename: focal本系统的 Codename 也就是版本代码为 focal,我们在添加 Docker 源的时候就会使用这个版本:# 添加 docker-ce 源,系统为 ubuntu,系统版本为 focal, stable 为 docker 稳定版。sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] http://mirrors.aliyun.com/docker-ce/linux/ubuntu focal stable"执行完毕后,我们需要更新 apt 源:sudo apt-get updateDocker 安装更新完源后,我们就可以开始安装 Docker 组件了:sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io执行这一行命令需要一点时间,稍等片刻。完成后我们就可以来查看 Docker 是否安装成功了。查看 Docker 版本使用 docker -v 来查看 Docker 版本:docker -v# 输出 docker 版本信息Docker version 19.03.13, build 4484c46d9d看到版本信息输出就说明我们的 Docker 源安装成功了。Tips: 如果安装失败,需要注意系统的版本和添加的 Docker 源是否能使用。安装成功后,我们来添加 Docker Image 镜像源。添加 Docker Image 镜像源使用阿里云的 Docker Image 镜像源,需要登录阿里云官网开启 容器镜像服务:https://cr.console.aliyun.com/cn-hangzhou/instances/mirrors添加 Docker Image 镜像源为阿里云镜像,这里同学们使用自己账号的加速器地址即可:sudo mkdir -p /etc/dockersudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<-'EOF'{"registry-mirrors": ["https://xxxxxx.mirror.aliyuncs.com"]}EOF添加完毕后,我们就可以启动我们的 Docker 服务了。启动 Dockerservice docker start# 输出启动信息* Starting Docker: docker 启动完成,接下来我们进行测试。Docker 测试执行测试命令:docker run hello-world输出:Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locallylatest: Pulling from library/hello-world0e03bdcc26d7: Pull complete Digest: sha256:4cf9c47f86df71d48364001ede3a4fcd85ae80ce02ebad74156906caff5378bcStatus: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latestHello from Docker!This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.(amd64)3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs theexecutable that produces the output you are currently reading.4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent itto your terminal.To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:$ docker run -it ubuntu bashShare images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker ID:https://hub.docker.com/For more examples and ideas, visit:https://docs.docker.com/get-started/我们看到这段信息就说明,我们的 Docker 测试成功了。那么接下来,我们就可以使用 Docker 来安装 Zookeeper 服务。
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