Springboot启动报错:child container failed during startCaused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext.getVirtualServerName()Ljava/lang/String;引入了一个hsf pom文件后后,翻到异常堆栈最下面发现是:ServletContext没有getVirtualServerName方法,原因是pom冲突,解决方案:在hsf里面先排除就得servlet-api,在引入最新的:A child container failed during start是结果,不是原因。<!--引入新的--><dependency> <groupId>javax.servlet</groupId> <artifactId>javax.servlet-api</artifactId> <version>4.0.1<
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- 3. 小结 在这节课之中,我们学习了如何自定义指标的输出,其中包括使用通过CallBack来在训练的过程中输出指标以及如何在自定义训练的过程中输出指标。In this lesson, we learned how to customize the output of metrics, including using CallBack to output metrics during training and how to output metrics during custom training.
- 1. 使用 CallBack 自定义输出 使用 CallBack 进行自定义输出的方法是采用其内置的一些 CallBack 或者一些自定义的 CallBack,而这些 CallBack 之中包含有进行指标输出的功能,故而我们可以使用他们进行自定义输出。The way to use callbacks for custom output is to take some of the built-in callbacks or some of the custom callbacks that include the ability to do metric output, so we can use them for custom output.使用 CallBack 进行自定义输出的大体步骤分为如下几步:The general steps for custom output using CallBack are as follows:使用 tf.summary.create_file_writer() API 来编写一个文件写入器,我们会使用该写入器来记录我们的指标; Use of TF. It’s not gonNA happen. The create () API to write a file writer that we will use to record our metrics;自定义回调,并在回调的过程之中使用 tf.summary.scalar() 函数进行指标的写入; Customize the callback, and use TF. During the callback. It’s not gonNA happen. The scalar () function writes the pointer;在训练的过程之中调用该 CallBack。 This CallBack is called during the course of training在这里,我们会采用一个学习率的例子来进行演示:Here, we’ll use a learning rate example to illustrate:import tensorflow as tf(x_train, y_train),(x_test, y_test) = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data()x_train, x_test = x_train / 255.0, x_test / 255.0file_writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer("logs/2")file_writer.set_as_default()# 定义学习曲线,并且输出指标def my_lr_schedule(epoch): learning_rate = 0.1 learning_rate /= 2 tf.summary.scalar('lr', data=learning_rate, step=epoch) return learning_ratelr_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler(my_lr_schedule)model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([ tf.keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28)), tf.keras.layers.Dense(256, activation='relu'), tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax')])model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=[])# 调用学习率回调model.fit( x_train, y_train, epochs=3, validation_data=(x_test, y_test), callbacks=[lr_callback],)以上的模型比较简单,因此我们可以通过运行如下命令来查看结果:The above model is relatively simple, so we can see the results by running the following command:tensorboard --logdir logs/2于是,我们便可以查看到我们自定义的学习率指标的曲线的变化情况:Then we can see how the curve of our custom learning rate indicator changes:
- 4.1 配置 ADT Eclipse 默认是不能开发 Android 应用的,我们需要安装 ADT 插件。目前 Google 已经下线了在线安装的链接,所以可能按照大部分的安装教程都没法进行安装了,我们这里提供另一种手动安装的方法:官网下载ADT插件:ADT-23.0.6.zip(无需解压);启动 Eclipse,选择 Help -> Install New Software;单击 Add 按钮,在弹出的对话框中按下图设置。Name:ADTLocation:“ADT压缩包地址”注意:建议去掉这两个选项“contact all update sites during install to find required software”和“hide items that are already installed”,可以加速安装点击"OK",选中"Developer Tools"复选框,然后一路点击"Next";阅读并接受许可协议,然后单击“Finish”;静候安装完成,重新启动 Eclipse。
- 3. 相关参数说明 mysqldump 的选项很多,可以通过 --help 查看帮助:[mysql@localhost ~]$ mysqldump --help以下为常用的参数(从 MySQL 官方文档摘录)Option NameDescriptionIntroducedDeprecated–all-databasesDump all tables in all databases–databasesInterpret all name arguments as database names–default-character-setSpecify default character set–eventsDump events from dumped databases–forceContinue even if an SQL error occurs during a table dump–hostHost on which MySQL server is located–ignore-tableDo not dump given table–master-dataWrite the binary log file name and position to the output–no-create-dbDo not write CREATE DATABASE statements–no-create-infoDo not write CREATE TABLE statements that re-create each dumped table–no-dataDo not dump table contents–order-by-primaryDump each table’s rows sorted by its primary key, or by its first unique index–passwordPassword to use when connecting to server–portTCP/IP port number for connection–quickRetrieve rows for a table from the server a row at a time–routinesDump stored routines (procedures and functions) from dumped databases–set-gtid-purgedWhether to add SET @@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED to output–single-transactionIssue a BEGIN SQL statement before dumping data from server–socketUnix socket file or Windows named pipe to use–tablesOverride --databases or -B option
- 4.1 Kotlin/Native + Swift 项目结构分析 我们知道 main 函数是很多应用程序的入口,ios 也不例外,在 AppDelegate.swift 中有 @UIApplicationMain 的注解,这里就是 APP 启动的入口。@UIApplicationMain //main函数注解入口,所以AppDelegate类相当于启动入口类class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { var window: UIWindow?//默认加了UIWindow func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool { // KNFKotlinNativeFramework class is located in the framework that is generated during build. // If it is not resolved, try building for the device (not simulator) and reopening the project NSLog("%@", KNFKotlinNativeFramework().helloFromKotlin())//注意: 这里就是调用了Kotlin中的一个helloFromKotlin方法,并把返回值用Log打印出来,所以你会看到App启动的时候是有一段Log被打印出来 return true } ...}KotlinNativeFramework 类:class KotlinNativeFramework { fun helloFromKotlin() = "Hello from Kotlin!" //返回一个Hello from Kotlin!字符串}但是呢,有追求的程序员绝对不能允许跑出来的是一个空白页面,空白页面那还怎么装逼呢?哈哈。在 ViewController.swift 中的 viewDidLoad 函数中加入一个文本 (UILabel)。class ViewController: UIViewController { override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() let label = UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 300, height: 21)) label.center = CGPoint(x: 160, y: 285) label.textAlignment = .center label.font = label.font.withSize(15) label.text = "Hello IOS, I'm from Kotlin/Native" view.addSubview(label) } override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. }}最后重新 run 一遍,效果如下:
- 4.2 Kotlin/Native + Objective C 项目结构分析 在 IOS 同事帮助下,进一步了解 IOS APP 启动基本知识,这将有助于我们接下来改造我们项目结构,使得它更加简单,完全可以删除额外的 Swift 代码,包括 APP 启动代理那块都交由 Kotlin 来完成。- 先创建一个 Kotlin/Native + OC 的项目,这里就不重复创建过程,直接把 OC 目录结构给出:可以看到 OC 与 Swift 项目结构差不多哈,可以看到其中有几个重要的文件,main.m、AppDelegate.m、ViewController.mmain.m APP 启动入口,相当于 main 函数,先从 main 函数入手,然后一步步弄清整个启动流程。#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>#import "AppDelegate.h"int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { @autoreleasepool { return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));//这里也调用了AppDelegate类 }}然后转到 AppDelegate.m, 可以看到在 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions 函数中调用了 KNFKotlinNativeFramework 中的 helloFromKotlin 函数。- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // KNFKotlinNativeFramework class is located in the framework that is generated during build. // If it is not resolved, try building for the device (not simulator) and reopening the project NSLog(@"%@", [[[KNFKotlinNativeFramework alloc] init] helloFromKotlin]);//注意这里调用helloFromKotlin,并输出日志 return YES;}