MySQL COUNT函数Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use the MySQL COUNT function to count the number rows in a table.Introduction to the MySQL COUNT functionThe COUNT function returns the number of rows in a table. The COUNT function allows you to count all rows in a table or rows that match a particular condition.The syntax of the COUNT function is as follows.COUNT(expression)The return type of the COUNT 
MySQL INNER JOIN使用Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use MySQL INNER JOIN clause to select data from multiple tables based on join conditions.Introducing MySQL INNER JOIN clauseThe MySQL INNER JOIN clause matches rows in one table with rows in other tables and allows you to query rows that contain columns from both tables.The MySQL INNER JOIN clause an optional part of the SELECT statement. It appears immediately after the FROMclause.B
mysql中使用where限定查询条件Summary: you will learn how to use MySQL WHERE clause to filter rows returned from the SELECT statement.If you use the SELECT statement to query the data from a table without the WHERE clause, you will get all rows in the table, which sometimes brings more data than you need. The WHERE clause allows you to specify exact rows to select based on given conditions e.g., find all customers in the U.S.The f
使用MySQL DISTINCT来去除重复行记录Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to use MySQL DISTINCT operatorwith the SELECT statement to eliminate duplicate rows in the result set.When querying data from a table, you may get duplicate rows. In order to remove the duplicate rows, you use the DISTINCT operator in the SELECT statement. The syntax of using the DISTINCT operator is as follows:SELECT DISTINCT columns FROM ta
- 3.2 执行数据库脚本 db.sql 启动 mysql 命令行,输入 source db.sql,执行 db.sql 中的 SQL 命令,如下所示:$ sudo mysqlmysql> source db.sqlQuery OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec)Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)Database changedQuery OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
- 5.1 使用 fetchone 查询数据 def query_students_fetchone(): sql = 'SELECT * FROM students' rows = cursor.execute(sql) print('There are %d students' % rows) for i in range(rows): student = cursor.fetchone() print(student)在第 1 行,定义函数 query_students_fetchone,使用 fetchone 方法查询数据在第 3 行,cursor.execute(sql) 返回查询记录的条数在第 7 行,使用 fetchone() 获取一条查询记录编写测试程序如下:open_conn()query_students_fetchone()close_conn() 程序输出如下:There are 2 students('1', '张三', 20)('2', '李四', 21)查询记录是一个元组第 0 项是 sno第 1 项是 name第 2 项是 age
- 2.3 create和select 这种方法先创建一个新的存储引擎表,再通过 insert xxx select xxx 语法导入数据mysql> create table t1( -> c1 int not null, -> c2 varchar(10) default null -> ) engine = myisam;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)mysql> create table t1_innodb like t1;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)mysql> alter table t1_innodb engine = innodb;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0mysql> insert into t1_innodb select * from t1;Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)mysql> show create table t1_innodb\G;*************************** 1. row *************************** Table: t1_innodbCreate Table: CREATE TABLE `t1_innodb` ( `c1` int(11) NOT NULL, `c2` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf81 row in set (0.00 sec)
- 3. 语法 grid-template-columns:none | px | % | em| rem | fr | auto| minmax(min,max) | auto| repeat;grid-template-rows:none | px | % | em| rem | fr | auto| minmax(min,max) | auto| repeat;grid-auto-columns:none | px | % | em| rem | fr | auto| minmax(min,max) | auto| ;grid-auto-rows:none | px | % | em| rem | fr | auto| minmax(min,max) | auto| ;说明:grid-template-columns 和 grid-template-rows 接受多个值,并且它们可以混合使用。grid-auto-columns 和 grid-auto-rows 接受 1 个值。函数语法:grid-template-rows:repeat(2,10px 1rem 1em,1fr)说明:repeat的意思是重复,上面的意思每 4 行的高度分别是 10px 1rem 1em,1fr 一共重复 2 次,共 8 行。grid-template-rows: 100px minmax(40px,60px)说明:minmax 的意思是取最大和最小,上面的意思是第 2 行的高度最小是 40px 最大是 60px.
- 1. 官方定义 通过设置 display: grid; 可以定义一个 CSS 网格。然后使用 grid-template-rows 和 grid-template-columns 属性来定义网格的 columns 和 rows。使用这些属性定义的网格被描述为 显式网格 (explicit grid)。参考文献:MDN
- 5.2 例2. 根据用户名删除用户 请使用 MyBatis 完成对 imooc_user 表中通过用户名删除用户的功能。分析:同上。步骤:首先,在 UserMapper.xml 中添加 delete 标签,并在标签中写入 SQL :<delete id="deleteUserByName"> DELETE FROM imooc_user WHERE username = #{username}</delete>然后在 中添加上对应的接口方法,方法接受 username 一个参数。package com.imooc.mybatis.mapper;import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Mapper;@Mapperpublic interface UserMapper { int deleteUserByName(String username);}结果:通过如下代码,我们运行 deleteUserByName 这个方法。UserMapper userMapper = session.getMapper(UserMapper.class);int rows = userMapper.deleteUserByName("tom");System.out.println(rows);session.commit();session.close();成功后,用户名为 tom 的用户已被删除。
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