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# the working dataset
df2 = df.iloc[:, :4].reset_index(drop=True) # make a copy
df2.columns = range(4) # rename columns to (0,1,2,3) for convenience
# output container
arr = np.zeros(df2.shape, dtype=int)
# state variable: level of the last row
last_lv = 0
for idx, row in df2.iterrows():
# get current indentation level
lv = row.first_valid_index()
if idx > 0:
# case 1: same or decreased level
if lv <= last_lv:
# keep previous levels except current level
arr[idx, :lv] = arr[idx-1, :lv]
# current level++
arr[idx, lv] = arr[idx-1, lv] + 1
# case 2: increased level
elif lv > last_lv:
# keep previous levels
arr[idx, :last_lv+1] = arr[idx - 1, :last_lv+1]
# start counting the new levels
arr[idx, last_lv+1:lv+1] = 1
# the first row
arr[0, 0] = 1
# update state variable for next use
last_lv = lv
# append result to dataframe
df[["Level I", "Level II", "Level III", "Level IV"]] = arr
print(df[["Level I", "Level II", "Level III", "Level IV"]])
Level I Level II Level III Level IV
0 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 0
2 1 1 1 0
3 1 1 2 0
4 1 1 3 0
5 1 1 3 1
6 1 1 3 2
7 1 1 3 3
8 1 2 0 0
9 1 2 1 0
10 1 2 2 0
11 1 2 3 0
12 1 2 3 1
13 1 2 3 2
14 1 2 3 3
15 2 0 0 0
16 2 1 0 0
17 2 1 1 0
该代码只是演示了处理每一行时的逻辑是什么样的。它尚未完全优化,因此当效率成为问题时,请考虑使用更有效的数据表示形式(例如 numpy 数组或只是级别数字列表)。
数据结构的库,例如anytree和treelib,希望找到一种自动输出树层次结构的自动化方法。不幸的是,似乎缺乏适合读取缩进文本文件或类似格式的 I/O 函数。这是我决定重新发明轮子的主要原因。