如您所见,我是 Python 的初学者,因此我们将不胜感激。我的问题是,我正在尝试测试所有场景的代码,但我无法测试决胜局。当然,我可以只插入Player1Score = Player2Score(我已经对其进行了哈希标记以显示位置),但这只会使程序进入无限循环,这违背了决胜局的目的。那么有什么办法可以让程序只经历一次决胜局部分,然后让一个玩家获胜呢?(如果我的问题有任何错误,我深表歉意,我也是 stackoverflow 的新手)import randomdef DiceGame(): Count = 0 Player1Score = 0 Player2Score = 0 while Count <= 4: Count += 1 print ("\n It is Round",Count, "\n") print ("It is Player 1's turn.") x = input("Press [Enter] to roll.") Score = Rolls() Player1Score += Score print ("Player 1, your score so far is",Player1Score) print ("It is Player 2's turn.") x = input("Press [Enter] to roll.") Score = Rolls() Player2Score += Score print ("Player 2, your score so far is",Player2Score) #Player1Score = Player2Score if Player1Score == Player2Score: print ("It is a tie!") print ("There will be a final tiebreaker.") Count -= 1 DiceGame() elif Player1Score >= Player2Score: print ("Player 1 wins!") elif Player1Score <= Player2Score: print ("Player 2 wins!")def Rolls(): Roll1 = random.randint(1,6) Roll2 = random.randint(1,6) print ("You got a",Roll1) print ("You got a",Roll2) Score1 = Roll1 + Roll2 if Score1 == 2 or Score1 == 4 or Score1 == 6 or Score1 == 8 or Score1 == 10 or Score1 == 12: print ("Your total is even so you get an extra 10 pts.") Score2 = Score1 + 10 print ("Your score for this round is" ,Score2) elif Score1 == 3 or Score1 == 5 or Score1 == 7 or Score1 == 9 or Score1 == 11: print ("Your total is odd so you lose 5 pts.") Score2 = Score1 - 5 if Score2 <= 0: print ("Your score has gone below 0pts. It will therefore be reset to 0pts") Score2 = 0 print ("Your score for this round is" ,Score2) return Score2DiceGame()
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def DiceGame(count, p1, p2):
Count = count
Player1Score = p1
Player2Score = p2
然后在文件底部将其称为DiceGame(5, 1, 1),并在决胜局中将其称为DiceGame(0, 0, 0)。这将在第一次运行时强制平局,并在第二次运行时正常运行。
if Player1Score == Player2Score:
print ("It is a tie!")
print ("There will be a final tiebreaker.")
Count -= 1
DiceGame(0, 0, 0)
... # code inbetween
# end of file
return score2
DiceGame(5, 1, 1)