Jupyter Lab dask-labextension不起作用均从以下位置安装:A.) JupyterLab 侧栏/扩展管理器/搜索它/单击安装B.) 命令行 rom my cd 到 anaconda安装指南conda install jupyterlab nodejs
conda install -c conda-forge dask-labextension
jupyter labextension install dask-labextension
jupyter serverextension enable dask_labextension错误在juyerlab启动时弹出错误消息 -ERROR: "Dask Server Error Failed to list clusters: might the server extension not be installed/enabled?"如果我等待它会为我提供构建 -> 我点击buildBuild CompleteBuild successfully completed, reload page?点击->reload问题我的 JupyterLab 的令牌密码已锁定,这可能是此扩展程序无法访问它的原因吗?尝试过的解决方案从 JupyterLab 侧栏/扩展管理器删除扩展WARNING The JupyterLab development team is excited to have a robust third-party extension community. However, we do not review third-party extensions, and some extensions may introduce security risks or contain malicious code that runs on your machine.Error communicating with server extension. Consult the documentation for how to ensure that it is enabled. Reason given: Error: 403 (Forbidden)
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自此问题发布以来,JupyterLab 3.0 已发布,它使安装扩展变得更加容易。如果您安装了 dask 分布式,您可以:conda/pip install dask-labextension