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TA贡献1934条经验 获得超2个赞
由于<input type="color">
因此创建一个接受 Windows HSL 颜色范围的函数
色调 0 - 239
饱和度 0 - 240
亮度 0 - 240
为简单起见,使用内存画布从颜色单元获取相应的 RGBA 值hsl()
与从像素数据中提取 R、G、B 相比 - 只需将每个 0-255 范围转换为 即可.toString(16)
// Convert Windows Color Picker HSLu 239,240,240 to HEX
function winHSL2HEX(H, S, L) {
const X = n => (n).toString(16).padStart(2,'0');
const ctx = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d');
const HSL = `hsl(${~~(H/239*360)},${~~(S/240*100)}%,${~~(L/240*100)}%)`;
ctx.fillStyle = HSL; ctx.fillRect(0,0,1,1);
const d = [...ctx.getImageData(0,0,1,1).data];
return "#"+ X(d[0]) + X(d[1]) + X(d[2]);
// Demo time
document.querySelector("#color_1").value = winHSL2HEX(160, 0, 120);
document.querySelector("#color_2").value = winHSL2HEX(67, 70, 120);
document.querySelector("#color_3").value = winHSL2HEX(239, 240, 120);
<input id="color_1" type="color">
<input id="color_2" type="color">
<input id="color_3" type="color">
Lum 值。

TA贡献1875条经验 获得超3个赞
颜色值。hsl(hue, saturation, lightness)
它们在 CSS 中指定。
CSS 参数可以立即用作字符串来修改必要的颜色。
document.getElementById('text').style.backgroundColor = "hsl(0, 0%, 100%)";
document.getElementById('text').style.color = "hsl(180, 50%, 50%)";

TA贡献1785条经验 获得超8个赞
可以将颜色转换为 HSL,设置亮度值,然后转换回 RGB 以设置表单控件的值。HSLToHex
在控件上,亮度从 0 到 240 变化。我们转换的颜色从 0 到 100 变化,所以在设置之前我们先除以 240 再乘以 100。
document.getElementById("lumbutton").addEventListener("click", () => {
var el = document.getElementById("colorsel");
var color = el.value;
var hsl = hexToHsl(color);
var lum = parseInt(document.getElementById("lum").value);
hsl[2] = lum * (100 / 240); // Change Luminance to typed value
color = hslToHex(hsl);
el.value = color;
function hexToHsl(H) {
let r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
if (H.length == 4) {
r = "0x" + H[1] + H[1]; g = "0x" + H[2] + H[2]; b = "0x" + H[3] + H[3];
} else if (H.length == 7) {
r = "0x" + H[1] + H[2]; g = "0x" + H[3] + H[4]; b = "0x" + H[5] + H[6];
r /= 255; g /= 255; b /= 255;
let cmin = Math.min(r, g, b),
cmax = Math.max(r, g, b),
delta = cmax - cmin,
h = 0, s = 0, l = 0;
if (delta == 0) h = 0;
else if (cmax == r) h = ((g - b) / delta) % 6;
else if (cmax == g) h = (b - r) / delta + 2;
else h = (r - g) / delta + 4;
h = Math.round(h * 60);
if (h < 0) h += 360;
l = (cmax + cmin) / 2;
s = delta == 0 ? 0 : delta / (1 - Math.abs(2 * l - 1));
s = +(s * 100).toFixed(1);
l = +(l * 100).toFixed(1);
return [h, s, l];
var hslToHex = function(hsl) {
var h = hsl[0], s = hsl[1], l = hsl[2];
s /= 100;
l /= 100;
let c = (1 - Math.abs(2 * l - 1)) * s,
x = c * (1 - Math.abs((h / 60) % 2 - 1)),
m = l - c/2,
r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
if (0 <= h && h < 60) { r = c; g = x; b = 0; }
else if (60 <= h && h < 120) { r = x; g = c; b = 0; }
else if (120 <= h && h < 180) { r = 0; g = c; b = x; }
else if (180 <= h && h < 240) { r = 0; g = x; b = c; }
else if (240 <= h && h < 300) { r = x; g = 0; b = c; }
else if (300 <= h && h < 360) { r = c; g = 0; b = x; }
// Having obtained RGB, convert channels to hex
r = Math.round((r + m) * 255).toString(16);
g = Math.round((g + m) * 255).toString(16);
b = Math.round((b + m) * 255).toString(16);
// Prepend 0s, if necessary
if (r.length == 1) r = "0" + r;
if (g.length == 1) g = "0" + g;
if (b.length == 1) b = "0" + b;
return "#" + r + g + b;
<input id="colorsel" type="color" value="#f08871"/>
<input id="lum" value="120">
<input id="lumbutton" type=button value="Set Luminosity value">

TA贡献1852条经验 获得超7个赞
将“LUM”设置为 120 的相应十六进制颜色值为#7F7F7F
(因为您在这里使用的是 HSL 颜色,而不是 RGB。所以我们需要将其转换为 HSL)。
<input type="color" value="#7F7F7F"/>
,R、G 和 B 会自动设置为127
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