2 回答

TA贡献1966条经验 获得超4个赞
know = input("Do you want to signup or log-in \n For signup enter (s) \n For log-in enter (l):")
if know == "s":
user_signup = input("Enter username:")
user_signup2 = input("Enter password: ")
user_signup3 = int(input("Enter Age:"))
theinfo = [user_signup, user_signup2, user_signup3]
know = input("Do you want to signup or log-in \n For signup enter (s) \n For log-in enter (l):")
if know == "l":
login = input("Enter username: ")
user_login2 = input("Enter password:")
if login in theinfo and user_login2 in theinfo:
print("Log in successful")
elif login not in theinfo or user_login2 not in theinfo:
print("username or password incorrect")

TA贡献1827条经验 获得超8个赞
使用 if / elif,将读取零个或一个代码段。让我们看看你的 if / elif / elif 代码:
if know =="l":
login = input("Enter username: ")
user_login2 = input("Enter password:")
elif login in theinfo and user_login2 in theinfo:
print("Log in seccefull")
elif login not in theinfo or user_login2 not in theinfo:
print("username or password incorect")
if know =="l":
login = input("Enter username: ")
user_login2 = input("Enter password:")
if login in theinfo and user_login2 in theinfo:
print("Log in seccefull")
elif login not in theinfo or user_login2 not in theinfo:
print("username or password incorect")
know = input('Do you want to signup or log-in \n for signup, enter (s) \n for log-in, enter (l): ').upper()
# Start with a fetch of existing users.
# I am hard-coding users to keep the example simple.
# Don't do this in your actual code. You can use something
# like a simple file (though you should not store clear text
# text passwords in a text file.
# https://www.w3schools.com/python/python_file_handling.asp
credentials = [['Phil', 'my_Password', 37], ['jose', 'espanol', 19]]
the_info = []
if know == 'S':
user_signup = input('Enter username:')
user_signup2 = input('Enter password: ')
user_signup3 = int(input('Enter age:'))
the_info = [user_signup , user_signup2, user_signup3]
# The next line save the new user in memory.
# Add code to save the info to a file or database.
credentials += the_info
print('Thanks for signing up.')
elif know =='L':
login = input('Enter username: ')
user_login2 = input('Enter password: ')
success = False
for credential in credentials:
if login.upper() == credential[0].upper() and user_login2 == credential[1]:
the_info = credential
if len(the_info) > 0 :
print(f'Log in successful. Hello {the_info[0]}')
print('username or password incorrect.')
print(f'User info: {the_info}')