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查看 的源代码LongSparseArray
,似乎该方法确实存在 - 但它是隐藏的(由于某种原因):
* Returns an index for which {@link #valueAt} would return the
* specified key, or a negative number if no keys map to the
* specified value.
* <p>Beware that this is a linear search, unlike lookups by key,
* and that multiple keys can map to the same value and this will
* find only one of them.
* <p>Note also that this method uses {@code equals} unlike {@code indexOfValue}.
* @hide
public int indexOfValueByValue(E value) {
if (mGarbage) {
for (int i = 0; i < mSize; i++) {
if (value == null) {
if (mValues[i] == null) {
return i;
} else {
if (value.equals(mValues[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
您可以看到所有这些代码实际上所做的就是您在问题中所说的 - 循环遍历所有值,直到找到正确的值,然后返回其索引。
Sparse***我不知道为什么它被排除在公共 API 之外,但在我看来,这是反对使用任何东西的另一点。它们通常太基础,无法满足我的要求。