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#input is a 2D dataframe of images
def data_prep(raw):
#convert the classes in raw to a binary matrix
#also known as one hot encoding and is typically done in ML
out_y = keras.utils.to_categorical(raw.label, num_classes)
#first dimension of raw is the number of images; each row in the df represents an image
num_images = raw.shape[0]
#remove the first column in each row which is likely a header and convert the rest into an array of values
#ML algorithms usually do not take in a pandas dataframe
x_as_array = raw.values[:,1:]
#reshape the images into 3 dimensional
#1st dim: number of images
#2nd dim: height of each image (i.e. rows when represented as an array)
#3rd dim: width of each image (i.e. columns when represented as an array)
#4th dim: the number of pixels which is 3 (RGB) for colored images and 1 for gray-scale images
x_shaped_array = x_as_array.reshape(num_images, img_rows, img_cols, 1)
#this normalizes (i.e. 0-1) the image pixels since they range from 1-255.
out_x = x_shaped_array / 255
return out_x, out_y
要处理彩色图像,数组中的第四个维度的大小应为 3,表示RGB 值。