5 回答

TA贡献1877条经验 获得超1个赞
让我们将每个元组概念化为一个二进制数组,其中 1 是“包含某些内容”,2 是“包含一个空字符串”。由于每个位置的项目都是相同的,因此我们不需要关心每个位置有什么,只关心有什么。
l = [('A','B','',''),('A','B','C',''),('','','','D'),('A','','','D'),('','B','','')]
l_bin = [sum(2**i if k else 0 for i,k in enumerate(tup)) for tup in l]
# [3, 7, 8, 9, 2]
# [0b0011, 0b0111, 0b1000, 0b1001, 0b0010]
# that it's backwards doesn't really matter, since it's consistent
现在,我们可以遍历该列表并构建一个没有“重复项”的新数据结构。由于我们将元组编码为二进制,因此我们可以通过执行按位运算来确定重复的、被另一个“包围”的元组 - 给定aand b, if a | b == a,thena必须包含b。
codes = {}
for tup, b in zip(l, l_bin):
# check if any existing code contains the potential new one
# in this case, skip adding the new one
if any(a | b == a for a in codes):
# check if the new code contains a potential existing one or more
# in which case, replace the existing code(s) with the new code
for a in list(codes):
if b | a == b:
# and finally, add this code to our datastructure
codes[b] = tup
output = list(codes.values())
# [('A', 'B', 'C', ''), ('A', '', '', 'D')]
请注意,(A, B, C, '')包含(A, B, '', '')和('', B, '', ''),并且(A, '', '', D')包含('', '', '', D),所以这应该是正确的。
从 python 3.8 开始,dict保留插入顺序,因此输出应该与元组最初出现在列表中的顺序相同。
这个解决方案不会非常有效,因为代码的数量可能会堆积起来,但它应该在 O(n) 和 O(n^2) 之间,具体取决于最后剩下的唯一代码的数量(并且因为每个元组的长度明显小于 的长度l,它应该更接近 O(n) 而不是 O(n^2)。

TA贡献2041条经验 获得超4个赞
时间复杂度显然是n + m * 2^m,其中n是元组的数量,m是每个元组的长度。对于n == 1000和m == 10,这显然比 更快n^2。
l = [('A','B','',''),('A','B','C',''),('','','','D'),('A','','','D'),('','B','','')]
# assumes that l is not empty. (to access l[0])
# The case where l is empty is trivial to handle.
def tuple_to_mask(tuple_):
# convert the information whether each value in (tuple_) is empty to a bit mask
# (1 is empty, 0 is not empty)
return sum((value == '') << index for index, value in enumerate(tuple_))
count = [0] * (1 << len(l[0]))
for tuple_ in l:
# tuple_ is a tuple.
count[tuple_to_mask(tuple_)] += 1
# now count[mask] is the number of tuples in l with that mask
# transform the count array.
for dimension in range(len(l[0])):
for mask in range(len(count)):
if mask >> dimension & 1:
count[mask] += count[mask - (1 << dimension)]
# now count[mask] is the number of tuples in l with a mask (mask_) such that (mask) contains (mask_)
# (i.e. all the bits that are set in mask_ are also set in mask)
filtered_l = [tuple_ for tuple_ in l if count[tuple_to_mask(tuple_)] == 1]

TA贡献1846条经验 获得超7个赞
l = [('A','B','',''),('A','B','C',''),('','','','D'),('A','','','D'),('','B','','')]
def item_in_list(item, l):
for item2comp in l:
if item!=item2comp:
found = True
for part,rhs_part in zip(item, item2comp):
if part!='' and part!=rhs_part:
found = False
if found:
return True
return False
new_arr = []
for item in l:
if not item_in_list(item, l):
[('A', 'B', 'C', ''), ('A', '', '', 'D')]
我认为时间复杂度是 - O((N**2)*M)
N - 列表中的元素数量
M - 每个元素中的零件数

TA贡献1799条经验 获得超6个赞
这些字符串始终位于同一位置,因此我将它们替换为布尔值,以便更轻松地比较它们。首先,我进行排序,然后仅保留与所有其他元素相比,前一个元素在任何地方都为 true 或与后一个元素相同的元素。然后,当比较完成后,我会将其从列表中删除。
f = sorted(map(lambda x: list(map(bool, x)), l), key=sum, reverse=True)
to_keep = []
while len(f) > 1:
if all(map(lambda x, y: True if x == y or x else False, f[0], f[1])):
to_keep.append(len(l) - len(f) + 1)
f = f[1:]
print([l[i] for i in to_keep])
[('A', 'B', 'C', ''), ('A', '', '', 'D')]
速度为 43.7 µs,也是投票最高答案的两倍。

TA贡献1865条经验 获得超7个赞
L = [('A', 'B','',''),('A','B','C',''),('','','','D'),('A','','','D'),('','B','','')]
keys = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(set))
# maintain a record of tuple-indices that contain each character in each position
for i,t in enumerate(L):
for c,e in enumerate(t):
if not e: continue
delme = set()
for i,t in enumerate(L):
collocs = set.intersection(*[keys[e][c] for c,e in enumerate(t) if e])
if len(collocs)>1: # if all characters appear in this position in >1 index
# ignore the collocation with the most non-empty characters
# mark the rest for deletion
C = max(collocs, key=lambda i: sum(bool(e) for bool in L[i]))
for c in collocs:
if c!=C: delme.add(c)
filtered = [t for i,t in enumerate(L) if i not in delme]