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TA贡献1802条经验 获得超5个赞
请耐心听我说,因为自从我使用程序 mysqli 以来已经很久了......
如果您希望动态绑定列参数并执行获取循环(因为 mysqlnd 不是一个选项),那么这里的代码可以实现这一点。
// now before you loop on $stmt->fetch, you must bind all the columns that exist
// to a row which will hold the values during the looping on fetch (yes, confusing)
$row = array(); // will hold each fetch'd loop result
$params = array(); // something to pass keyed references to $row with
$params[] = $stmt; // add the $stmt object as first param (for procedural way)
$meta = mysqli_stmt_result_metadata($stmt);// get what those columns will be
while($field = $meta->fetch_field()) {
if (!isset($row[ $field->name ])) { $row[ $field->name ] = null; } // set if not set
$params[] = &$row[ $field->name ]; // add reference to keyed row value
$meta->close();// metadata no longer needed, close it
call_user_func_array('mysqli_stmt_bind_result', $params);
while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) {
// in here you then have $row to use as before
echo $row['id'];
现在,你可能会认为我在这里太过分了……是的。该示例用于处理未知的sql 列抓取(使用SELECT *语法)。但是,如果您知道所有列都出来,则可以简单地在 while 循环之前绑定每一列,如下所示:
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $id, $col2, $col3);
while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) {
// in here you then use $id, $col2, $col3
echo $id;
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