我正在编写一个用箭头键移动的盒子。我想对其进行编程,以便当我按下键盘上的某个键时,间隔会检测按下的键并将数值放入名为 KeyDown 的数组中。函数 keyPressed 检测 keyCode 是否已在 keyArray 中,以便不再调用它,并使框在屏幕上缩放,但以一致的速度缩放。如果 keyPressed 函数没有找到重复项,则会将其添加到要按时间间隔运行的数组中,并使用 moveMover 来移动盒子。然后,当按下的键被抬起时,该特定实例将从整个数组中拼接出来。当我按向左键和箭头键时,程序会正常工作。但是,当我同时按下两个键时,程序无法拼接两个键,因此,其中一个键仍在运行。然后盒子不断向左或向右移动。我尝试用逻辑来寻找解决方案,但我不明白。这是全html的盒子移动程序,带有css标签和样式标签。function getTheStyle(id, styleProperty) { var elem = document.getElementById(id); var theCSSprop = window.getComputedStyle(elem, null).getPropertyValue(styleProperty); return theCSSprop;}function keyPressed(e, keyArray) { //check if keyCode is already in the keyArray for (i = 0; i < keyArray.length; i++) { if (keyArray[i] == e.keyCode) { return; } } keyArray.push(e.keyCode);}function keyLifted(e, keyArray) { //check for every instance of the keyCode and splice it out, theory one instance, go through key array and make sure there isnt a copy anywhere for (i = 0; i < keyArray.length; i++) { if (keyArray[i] == e.keyCode) { keyArray.splice(i - 1, 1); console.log(keyArray); } }}function moveMover(mover, keyArray) { //loop through key array, if number 39, if finds left key getting pressed, then add 2 for (var i = 0; i < keyArray.length; i++) { if (keyArray[i] == 39) { //left mover.style.left = parseInt(getTheStyle(mover.id, "left")) + 2 + "px"; console.log(keyArray); } else if (keyArray[i] == 37) { //right mover.style.left = parseInt(getTheStyle(mover.id, "left")) - 2 + "px"; console.log(keyArray); } }}//-----------MAIN PROGRAM ----------------------var MoverTimer; //timer for user controled elementvar mover; //inner moving elementvar keysDown = []; //all the currently depressed keyswindow.onload = function() { mover = document.getElementById("mover"); MoverTimer = setInterval(function() { moveMover(mover, keysDown); }, 5);}body { background-color: skyblue;}
1 回答
TA贡献1846条经验 获得超7个赞
你有一个错误keyLifted。它应该拼接在i,而不是i - 1:
function keyLifted(e, keyArray) {
//check for every instance of the keyCode and splice it out, theory one instance, go through key array and make sure there isnt a copy anywhere
for (i = 0; i < keyArray.length; i++) {
if (keyArray[i] == e.keyCode) {
keyArray.splice(i, 1);