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const gogs = [
{color: "Red", size: "Big", cmp: "==", bananas: 10, fb: "Gog -1?!?!?!", img: "gog-1.gif"},
{color: "Red", size: "Big", cmp: "<", bananas: 5, fb: "You are gog 720!", img: "gog720.gif"},
{color: "Red", size: "Big", cmp: "none", fb: "You are Gog 6!", img: "gog6.gif"},
{color: "Red", size: "Medium", cmp: ">", bananas: 5, fb: "You are Gog 51!", img: "gog51pog-min.gif"},
// continue on like this
// we need some special ones that can't be easily expressed
{special: true, cond: (color, size, bananas) => color == "Black" || bananas < 5, fb: "You are Gog 23!", img: "gog23.gif"},
{special: true, cond: (color, size, bananas) => bananas > 5 && size != "Big", fb: "You are Gog 12!", img: "gog12.gif"},
{special: true, cond: () => true, fb: "You are not a Gog yet!", img: "gogprequil.gif"}
const cmps = {
"=="(a, b) { return a == b; },
">"(a, b) { return a > b; },
"<"(a, b) { return a < b; },
">="(a, b) { return a >= b; },
"<="(a, b) { return a <= b; }
// later in your code when checking gogs
for (const gog of gogs) {
if (gog.special) {
if (!gog.cond(color, size, bananas)) {
} else {
if (gog.color != color || gog.size != size) {
if (gog.cmp != "none" && !cmps[gog.cmp](bananas, gog.bananas)) {
setText("feedbackOutput", gog.fb);
setImageURL("gog", gog.img);
TA贡献1777条经验 获得超3个赞
const gogs = [
{ color: 'black', size: 'small', minBananas: 0, imgUrl: 'gog12-2.gif' },
{ color: 'black', size: 'small', minBananas: 6, imgUrl: 'gog34.gif' },
// etc.
const gog = gogs.find((gog) => {
gog.color === color &&
gog.size === size &&
gog.miniBananas <= bananaCount
if (!gog) {
另请参阅: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/find
TA贡献1851条经验 获得超3个赞
您有很多重复的color和size参数。您可以按照 Aplet123 的建议进行操作,但这可能无法帮助您思考对 if 语句进行分组的一般策略。
if (color == "Red") { // group by "Red" first--anything that is "Red" will go into this block
if (size == "Big") { // next group by "Big" -- anything "Red" + "Big" will go into this block
if (bananas == 10) { // so if we get true here, we know we are Red + Big + bananas = 10
setText("feedbackOutput", "Gog -1?!?!?!");
setImageURL("gog", "gog-1.gif");
else if (bananas < 5) { // if we get true here, we know we are Red + Big + bananas < 5
setText("feedbackOutput", "You are Gog 720!");
setImageURL("gog", "gog720.gif");
else {
setText("feedbackOutput", "You are Gog 6!");
setImageURL("gog", "gog6.gif");
} // end of block of conditions for "Big" + "Red"
else if (size == "Medium" ) { // group by "Medium"
if (bananas > 6) {
setText("feedbackOutput", "You are Gog 51!");
setImageURL("gog", "gog51pog-min.gif");
else if ( bananas < 4){
setText("feedbackOutput", "You are Gog 5!");
setImageURL("gog", "gog5.gif");
else {
setText("feedbackOutput", "You are Gog 33!");
setImageURL("gog", "gog33.gif");
} // end of Red + Medium
// next we would try the "Small" ones (left as an exercise to reader)
else if (color == "Brown") {
// similar to above, group by sizes then for each size check banana conditions
// etc