我对 Java 还是有点陌生,并且有一个实验室需要模拟生成 1-10 之间数字的彩票游戏。它首先询问用户想要购买多少张彩票,然后询问他们是否希望计算机为他们生成猜测,如果是,那么它将生成猜测并显示中奖号码。如果用户拒绝,则用户将自己输入猜测并显示中奖号码。我在弄清楚当有人输入“是”或“否”时如何执行代码时遇到问题。我应该做一个 do while 循环吗?这是我现在的代码。public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); double TICKET_PRICE = 2.00; System.out.println("Welcome to the State of Florida Play10 Lottery Game. Ticket Price: $" + TICKET_PRICE); System.out.println("How many tickets would you like to purchase?"); int ticketsPurchased = input.nextInt(); System.out.print("Please enter " + (ticketsPurchased) + " to confirm your credit carde charge: "); int creditCardCharge = input.nextInt(); if (ticketsPurchased != creditCardCharge) { System.out.println("Wrong number, please enter again: "); return; } if (ticketsPurchased == creditCardCharge) { System.out.println("Thank you. Your credit card will be charged $" + (ticketsPurchased * 2)); } int min = 1; int max = 10; int winner; winner = min + (int)(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)); System.out.print("Would you like the computer to generate your guesses? Enter 'Y' or 'N': "); String computerGeneratedGuess = input.nextLine(); int guess = 0; int winCtr = 0; String output = "";}算法如下: 1. 获取要购买的门票数量,计算并确认信用卡费用。2. 生成随机获胜整数并生成随机猜测或提示用户猜测。3. 报告中奖号码、中奖彩票、总奖金、总损失以及允许扣除的金额
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boolean gameOver = false;
int theGuess = 0;
while (!gameOver) {
if (computerGeneratedGuess == 'Y') {
theGuess = //code to generate a random number
else {
theGuess = //code to for user to enter a guess
if (theGuess == winner) {
gameOver = true;