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首先,删除这些全局变量并在函数中使用参数。其次,您需要在 while 循环中使用and而不是使用。or
import random
number_of_players = 10
number_of_lives = 5
def getRandom(lives, players):
print("There are 9 people around you. You and the computer will both guess a number from 1 to 5. If your numbers are the same, that amount of players will be out, but if your answers are different, you lose a life. You have 5 lives and you get an extra one if you both guess the same number. Good Luck!")
while(lives > 0 and players > 0):
myGuess = input("What number do you choose")
compGuess = random.randint(1,5)
myGuess = int(myGuess)
print(f"Computer chose {compGuess}")
if compGuess == myGuess:
players = players - compGuess
if myGuess == 1:
print(f"You took out {compGuess} player")
print(f"You took out {compGuess} players")
lives -= 1
print(f"You lost a life! You now have {lives} lives remaining")
print(f"There are {players} players left")
getRandom(number_of_lives, number_of_players)