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您可以使用AutoIt来实现此目的。它具有 Python 绑定PyAutoIt。使用 PIP 安装 PyAutoIt 后pip install PyAutoIt
import autoit
autoit.win_wait_active("Authentication Required") # title of the dialog box to wait. so it will wait for the Authentication Required dialog
autoit.send("username", 1) # second parameter is the mode (changes how "keys" is processed)
autoit.send("{TAB}") # press tab key to go to the password field
autoit.send("password", 1)
autoit.send("{Enter}") # press enter key
有关 send 方法中第二个参数的更多信息,这里是代码,
def send(send_text, mode=0):
Sends simulated keystrokes to the active window.
:param send_text:
:param mode: Changes how "keys" is processed:
flag = 0 (default), Text contains special characters like + and ! to
indicate SHIFT and ALT key presses.
flag = 1, keys are sent raw.
AUTO_IT.AU3_Send(LPCWSTR(send_text), INT(mode))