有没有办法从 py 文件引用自定义小部件?我在kv中制作了一个小部件,但我想从py引用它,然后将其再次添加到kv中的另一个小部件中。我尝试使用 id 执行此操作,但出现错误 ( KeyError: 'words_entry')。这是我尝试过的:from kivy.app import Appfrom kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screenfrom kivy.lang import Builderfrom kivy.properties import ObjectPropertyfrom kivy.uix.textinput import TextInputimport osclass GetCount(Screen): count_input = ObjectProperty(None) def next(self): # Setup next screen text_inputs = [self.ids.words_entry for i in range(int(self.count_input.text))] for text_input in text_inputs: self.manager.ids.get_input.ids.grid.add_widget(text_input) # Switch to next screen self.manager.current = "get_input"class GetInput(Screen): passkv_file = Builder.load_string("""ScreenManager: GetCount: name: "get_count" id: get_count GetInput: name: "get_input" id: get_input<WordEntry@TextInput>: id: words_entry multiline: False size_hint: (self.width, None)<GetCount>: count_input: count_input FloatLayout: Label: text: "count" size_hint: 1, 0.05 pos_hint: {"top":0.9} TextInput: id: count_input size_hint: 0.8, 0.05 pos_hint: {"top":0.7, "x":0.1} multiline: False Button: text: "Next" on_release: root.next() size_hint: 0.8, 0.05 pos_hint: {"top":0.5, "x":0.1}<GetInput>: ScrollView: GridLayout: size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height id: grid cols: 1""")class MainApp(App): def build(self): return kv_fileif __name__ == "__main__": app = MainApp() app.run()在这段代码中,我想添加WordEntry到来自py的GridLayoutin GetInput(原因是我需要根据用户的输入添加多个)。
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您可以使用Factory来创建已在 中定义的类的实例kv。所以你的GetCount班级可以是:
from kivy.factory import Factory
class GetCount(Screen):
count_input = ObjectProperty(None)
def next(self):
# Setup next screen
for _ in range(int(self.count_input.text)):
new_word_entry = Factory.WordEntry()
# Switch to next screen
self.manager.current = "get_input"