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TA贡献2021条经验 获得超8个赞
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
from fuzzywuzzy import process
s = """full_name,dob
Jerry Smith,21/01/2010
Morty Smith,18/06/2008
Rick Sanchez,27/04/1993
Jery Smith,27/12/2012
Morti Smith,13/03/2012"""
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(s))
# 1 - use fuzzywuzzy.process.extract with list comprehension
# 2 - You still have to iterate once but this method avoids the use of apply, which can be very slow
# 3 - convert the list comprehension results to a dataframe
# Note that I am limiting the results to one match. You can adjust the code as you see fit
df2 = pd.DataFrame([process.extract(df['full_name'][i], df[~df.index.isin([i])]['full_name'], limit=1)[0] for i in range(len(df))],
index=df.index, columns=['match_name', 'match_percent', 'match_index'])
# join the new dataframe to the original
final = df.join(df2)
full_name dob match_name match_percent match_index
0 Jerry Smith 21/01/2010 Jery Smith 95 3
1 Morty Smith 18/06/2008 Morti Smith 91 4
2 Rick Sanchez 27/04/1993 Morti Smith 43 4
3 Jery Smith 27/12/2012 Jerry Smith 95 0
4 Morti Smith 13/03/2012 Morty Smith 91 1

TA贡献1827条经验 获得超4个赞
在你的实现中,你执行了很多不必要的比较,因为你总是比较 A <-> B,然后比较 B <-> A。你也比较 A <-> A,通常总是 100。所以你可以减少数量的比较超过50%。由于您只想添加分数超过 90 的匹配项,因此此信息可用于加快比较速度。
您的代码可以通过以下方式来实现这两个更改,这应该会快得多。在我的机器上测试时,您的代码运行大约 12 秒,而这个改进版本只需要 1.7 秒。
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
from rapidfuzz import fuzz
# generate a bigger list of examples to show the performance benefits
s = "fullname,dob"
Jerry Smith,21/01/2010
Morty Smith,18/06/2008
Rick Sanchez,27/04/1993
Jery Smith,27/12/2012
Morti Smith,13/03/2012'''*500
dataframe = pd.read_csv(StringIO(s))
# only create the data series once
full_names = dataframe['fullname']
for index, row1 in full_names.items():
# skip elements that are already compared
for row2 in full_names.iloc[index+1::]:
# use a score_cutoff to improve the runtime for bad matches
score = fuzz.ratio(row1, row2, score_cutoff=90)
if score:
_list.append([row1, row2, score])

TA贡献1803条经验 获得超6个赞
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
data = StringIO("""
Jerry Smith
Morty Smith
Rick Sanchez
Jery Smith
Morti Smith
df = pd.read_csv(data, names=['full_name'])
for index, row in df.iterrows():
df[row['full_name']] = df['full_name'].apply(lambda x:fuzz.ratio(row['full_name'], x))
full_name Jerry Smith Morty Smith Rick Sanchez Jery Smith Morti Smith
0 Jerry Smith 100 73 26 95 64
1 Morty Smith 73 100 26 76 91
2 Rick Sanchez 26 26 100 27 35
3 Jery Smith 95 76 27 100 67
4 Morti Smith 64 91 35 67 100
data_rows = df[df['Jerry Smith'] > 90]
full_name Jerry Smith Morty Smith Rick Sanchez Jery Smith Morti Smith
0 Jerry Smith 100 73 26 95 64
3 Jery Smith 95 76 27 100 67

TA贡献1784条经验 获得超9个赞
这种比较方法会做双重工作,因为在“Jerry Smith”和“Morti Smith”之间运行 fuzz.ratio 与在“Morti Smith”和“Jerry Smith”之间运行相同。
dataframe = pd.read_csv('datafile.csv')
_list = []
for i_dataframe in range(len(dataframe)-1):
comparison_fullname = dataframe['fullname'][i_dataframe]
for entry_fullname, entry_score in process.extract(comparison_fullname, dataframe['fullname'][i_dataframe+1::], scorer=fuzz.ratio):
if entry_score >=90:
_list.append((comparison_fullname, entry_fullname, entry_score)