我的 Typescript Next 项目中有这个组件import PageTitle from './pagetitle'import style from './contact.styl'export default function Contact() { return ( <section> <a name="contact"></a> <div className={style.container}> <PageTitle title='get in touch!'/> <form action=""> <input name="name" type="text" placeholder="name" /> <input name="subject" type="text" placeholder="subject" /> <textarea placeholder="message" /> <button type="submit">send</button> </form> </div> </section> );}这contact.styl看起来像是使用 Stylus CSS 预处理器的 CSS 文件,因此样式拼写没有拼写错误。我最近使用“next-env.d.ts”文件中的模块声明修复了一个错误.container width 95vw height 90vh display flex flex-direction column background rgba(43,43,43,.97) border-radius 60px margin 0 auto h3 font-size 22px color #d3ecf7form height 450px display flex flex-direction column justify-content space-evenly align-items center margin-top 3rem input, textarea width 355px box-shadow 0px 3px 6px #00000029 border-radius 13px outline none border none background #2b2b2b font normal normal 300 20px Avenir padding-top 5px text-align center color #fff input height 45px textarea height 200px resize none ::placeholder text-align center font normal normal 300 20px Avenir color #d3ecf7@media(max-width 760px) .container width 100vw height auto border-radius 0 form height 500px margin-top 0 input, textarea width 90vw但我一直收到这个错误?Type error: Property 'container' does not exist on type 'string'.谁能帮我找出原因吗?编辑:添加contact.styl 找出问题所在Try to add an asterisk to the module name as in the updated example. **- Sergey**
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declare module ".styl" {
const value: string;
export default value;
如果这是正确的,您应该将导出类型更改为Record<string, string>. 像这样:
declare module "*.styl" {
const value: {[key: string]: string};
export default value;