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TA贡献1883条经验 获得超3个赞
这意味着如果您在映射中存储非指针,并且想要调用具有指针接收器的存储值的方法,则需要获取非指针值的地址(用作接收器) ,但由于映射索引表达式不可寻址,因此会导致编译时错误。
解决方法是将指针值存储在映射中,因此不需要获取索引表达式的地址,因为它已经是一个指针。在这个答案中可以看到这样的一个例子:Why should constructor of Go return address? 如果我们有这种类型:
type My int
func (m *My) Str() string { return strconv.Itoa(int(*m)) }
m := map[int]My{0: My(12)}
m[0].Str() // Error!
m := map[int]*My{}
my := My(12)
m[0] = &my // Store a pointer in the map
m[0].Str() // You can call it, no need to take the address of m[0]
// as it is already a pointer

TA贡献1848条经验 获得超2个赞
package main
import (
// a simple type, with two methods : one with a value receiver, one with a pointer receiver
type Item struct {
name string
func (i Item) GetNameByValue() string {
return i.name
func (i *Item) GetNameByRef() string {
return i.name
func main() {
// in this map, we store *pointers* to Item values
mapByRef := make(map[int]*Item)
mapByRef[0] = &Item{"I am stored as a pointer"}
// GetNameByRef will work on a *Item : "mapByRef[0]" is already a pointer
fmt.Println("GetByRef :", mapByRef[0].GetNameByRef())
// GetNameByValue will work on a *Item : go automatically turns this into '(*mapByRef[0]).GetNameByValue()', and this is valid
fmt.Println("GetByValue :", mapByRef[0].GetNameByValue())
// in this map, we store Item values (no pointers)
mapByValue := make(map[int]Item)
mapByValue[0] = Item{"I am stored as a value"}
// GetNameByValue will work on a Item : "mapByValue[0]" has the right type
fmt.Println("GetByValue :", mapByValue[0].GetNameByValue())
// GetNameByRef will not work : go tries to turn this into : (&mapByValue[0]).GetNameByRef(),
// and go refuses to let you take the address of a value inside a map
// fmt.Println("GetByRef :", mapByValue[0].GetNameByRef())
// compiler error :
// ./prog.go:47:46: cannot call pointer method on mapByValue[0]
// ./prog.go:47:46: cannot take the address of mapByValue[0]
// you will need some way to copy the value before taking its address :
item := mapByValue[0]
fmt.Println("item.GetByRef :", item.GetNameByRef())
// same as :
fmt.Println("(&item).GetByRef :", (&item).GetNameByRef())
// Output :
// GetByRef : I am stored as a pointer
// GetByValue : I am stored as a pointer
// GetByValue : I am stored as a value
// item.GetByRef : I am stored as a value
// (&item).GetByRef : I am stored as a value
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