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TA贡献1833条经验 获得超4个赞
// GetAll decodes the cursor c to slicep where slicep is a
// pointer to a slice of pointers to values.
func GetAll(ctx context.Context, c *Cursor, slicep interface{}) error {
// Get the slice. Call Elem() because arg is pointer to the slice.
slicev := reflect.ValueOf(slicep).Elem()
// Get value type. First call to Elem() gets slice
// element type. Second call to Elem() dereferences
// the pointer type.
valuet := slicev.Type().Elem().Elem()
// Iterate through the cursor...
for c.Next(ctx) {
// Create new value.
valuep := reflect.New(valuet)
// Decode to that value.
if err := c.Decode(valuep.Interface()); err != nil {
return err
// Append value pointer to slice.
slicev.Set(reflect.Append(slicev, valuep))
return c.Err()
var data []*T
err := GetAll(ctx, c, &data)
if err != nil {
// handle error
func GetAll(ctx context.Context, c *Cursor, slicep interface{}) error {
slicev := reflect.ValueOf(slicep).Elem()
valuet := slicev.Type().Elem()
isPtr := valuet.Kind() == reflect.Ptr
if isPtr {
valuet = valuet.Elem()
for c.Next(ctx) {
valuep := reflect.New(valuet)
if err := c.Decode(valuep.Interface()); err != nil {
return err
if !isPtr {
valuep = valuep.Elem()
slicev.Set(reflect.Append(slicev, valuep))
return c.Err()
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