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* Some code borrowed from: https://codepen.io/taye/pen/wrrxKb
onstart: function(event) {
var box = event.target.parentElement;
var rect = box.getBoundingClientRect();
// store the center as the element has css `transform-origin: center center`
box.setAttribute('data-center-x', rect.left + rect.width / 2);
box.setAttribute('data-center-y', rect.top + rect.height / 2);
// get the angle of the element when the drag starts
box.setAttribute('data-angle', getDragAngle(event));
onmove: function(event) {
var box = event.target.parentElement;
var pos = {
x: parseFloat(box.getAttribute('data-x')) || 0,
y: parseFloat(box.getAttribute('data-y')) || 0
var angle = getDragAngle(event);
// update transform style on dragmove
box.style.transform = 'translate(' + pos.x + 'px, ' + pos.y + 'px) rotate(' + angle + 'rad' + ')';
onend: function(event) {
var box = event.target.parentElement;
// save the angle on dragend
box.setAttribute('data-angle', getDragAngle(event));
function getDragAngle(event) {
var box = event.target.parentElement;
var startAngle = parseFloat(box.getAttribute('data-angle')) || 0;
var center = {
x: parseFloat(box.getAttribute('data-center-x')) || 0,
y: parseFloat(box.getAttribute('data-center-y')) || 0
var angle = Math.atan2(center.y - event.clientY,
center.x - event.clientX);
return angle - startAngle;
body {
font-family: sans-serif;
.box {
width: 150px;
height: 100px;
position: relative;
background-color: #4be091;
border-radius: 6px;
.rotation-handle {
padding: 3px 4px;
display: table;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
right: 50%;
bottom: -35px;
background-color: #ff1661;
border-radius: 10rem;
line-height: 1;
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
color: #fff;
cursor: move;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/interact.js/1.2.9/interact.min.js"></script>
<strong>Rotate the box using the red handle.</strong>
<div class="box">
<div class="rotation-handle">↻</div>