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. 但请记住 Python 风格指南PEP8,我们将其称为rect
玩家左右移动,增加重力,并处理屏幕上的情况。恕我直言,玩家移动功能不应该知道重力,因此应该在其他地方处理。它可以简单地作为 y-change 的一部分传递。我将把屏幕测试留给读者作为练习。
关于碰撞 - 我对你的地图一无所知,但一次移动可能会与超过 1 个物体发生碰撞。想象一下dx像素的单跳,用例:
我们知道这个提议的单跳向右会与 3 个物体发生碰撞。在这个移动实现中,我们只能移动到接触最左侧地形元素“T2”的左侧。
你能看出知道拟议的运动是“正确的”对这有什么帮助吗?它允许我们说:“向右移动dx像素,我们会碰到 3 个东西。所以停在最左边的那个”。如果你的玩家已经移动,然后你的碰撞报告显示:“呃-哦,3 次碰撞,老大”,你该如何修复它?你不能。
所以我们采取理论上的移动方式,如果没有碰撞,那么玩家就可以移动所有的物体。但如果发生碰撞,我们会查看行进方向,并找到距离我们最近的碰撞点。这成为该方向的移动限制。但我们可以像独立运动一样简单地处理dx和dy 。
import pygame
import random
WHITE = ( 200, 200, 200 )
GREEN = ( 30, 240, 80 )
BLUE = ( 3, 5, 54 )
class DummyMap:
""" A random map of blockable terrain objects.
Being random, it sometimes unhelpfully puts blocks over the
initial player position. """
def __init__( self, point_count, x_size=32, y_size=32 ):
self.blockers = []
for i in range( point_count ):
random_x = random.randint( 0, WINDOW_WIDTH )
random_y = random.randint( 0, WINDOW_HEIGHT )
self.blockers.append( pygame.Rect( random_x, random_y, x_size, y_size ) )
def draw( self, surface ):
for tile in self.blockers:
pygame.draw.rect( surface, GREEN, tile )
def testCollision( self, rect ):
""" This function is very much NOT efficeient for large lists.
Consider using a quad-tree, etc. for faster collisions """
colliders = []
for tile in self.blockers:
if ( tile.colliderect( rect ) ):
colliders.append( tile )
return colliders
class Player:
""" Simple moveable player block, which collides with map elements """
def __init__( self, x, y ):
self.image = pygame.Surface( ( 32, 32 ) )
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.x = x
self.rect.y = y
self.image.fill( WHITE )
def draw( self, surface ):
surface.blit( self.image, self.rect )
def move( self, dx, dy, game_map ):
""" Move the player, handling collisions """
# calculate the target position of any x-move
if ( dx != 0 ):
move_rect = player.rect.copy()
move_rect.move_ip( dx, 0 )
print( "DEBUG: proposed x-move to (%d, %d)" % ( move_rect.x, move_rect.y ) )
# Does this new position collide with the map elements?
collide_rects = game_map.testCollision( move_rect )
if ( len( collide_rects ) > 0 ):
# yes collided, determine which object is the nearest
if ( dx > 0 ):
# Going right, get the left-most x out of everything we hit
lowest_left_side = min( [ r.left for r in collide_rects ] )
# We can only move right as far as this lowest left-side, minus our width
final_dx = lowest_left_side - self.rect.right
# Going left, get the right-most x out of everything we hit
highest_right_side = max( [ r.right for r in collide_rects ] )
# We can only move left as far as the highest right-side
final_dx = highest_right_side - self.rect.left # (this is a negative value)
final_dx = dx # no collsiions, no worries
# Do the x-movement
self.rect.x += final_dx
print( "DEBUG: final x-move to (%d, %d)" % ( self.rect.x, self.rect.y ) )
if ( dy != 0 ):
move_rect = player.rect.copy()
move_rect.move_ip( 0, dy )
print( "DEBUG: proposed y-move to (%d, %d)" % ( move_rect.x, move_rect.y ) )
# Does this new position collide with the map elements?
collide_rects = game_map.testCollision( move_rect )
if ( len( collide_rects ) > 0 ):
# yes collided, determine which object is the nearest
if ( dy < 0 ):
# Going up, get the bottom-most y out of everything we hit
lowest_bottom_side = min( [ r.bottom for r in collide_rects ] )
# We can only move up as far as this lowest bottom
final_dy = lowest_bottom_side - self.rect.top
# Going down, get the top-most y out of everything we hit
highest_top_side = max( [ r.top for r in collide_rects ] )
# We can only move down as far as the highest top-side, minus our height
final_dy = highest_top_side - self.rect.bottom # (this is a negative value)
final_dy = dy # no collsiions, no worries
# Do the y-movement
self.rect.y += final_dy
print( "DEBUG: final x-move to (%d, %d)" % ( self.rect.x, self.rect.y ) )
### initialisation
window = pygame.display.set_mode( ( WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT ) )
pygame.display.set_caption("Collision Demo")
# Game elements
player = Player( WINDOW_WIDTH//2, WINDOW_HEIGHT//2 )
game_map = DummyMap( 37 )
### Main Loop
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
done = False
while not done:
# Handle user-input
for event in pygame.event.get():
if ( event.type == pygame.QUIT ):
done = True
# Movement keys
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
dx = 0
dy = 0 # 2 # gravity sucks
if ( keys[pygame.K_UP] ):
dy -= 5
if ( keys[pygame.K_DOWN] ):
dy += 5
if ( keys[pygame.K_LEFT] ):
dx -= 5
if ( keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] ):
dx += 5
# Try to move the player according to the human's wishes
player.move( dx, dy, game_map )
# Update the window, but not more than 60fps
window.fill( BLUE )
game_map.draw( window )
player.draw( window )
# Clamp FPS