我们正在尝试删除异常值,但出现了无限循环对于一个学校项目,我们(我和一个朋友)认为创建一个基于数据科学的工具是个好主意。为此,我们开始清理数据库(我不会在这里导入它,因为它太大(xlsx 文件、csv 文件))。我们现在尝试使用“duration_分钟”列的“标准差*3 + 平均值”规则删除异常值。这是我们用来计算标准差和平均值的代码:def calculateSD(database, column): column = database[[column]] SD = column.std(axis=None, skipna=None, level=None, ddof=1, numeric_only=None) return SDdef calculateMean(database, column): column = database[[column]] mean = column.mean() return mean我们认为要做到以下几点:#Now we have to remove the outliers using the code from the SD.py and SDfunction.py filesminutes = trainsData['duration_minutes'].tolist() #takes the column duration_minutes and puts it in a listSD = int(calculateSD(trainsData, 'duration_minutes')) #calculates the SD of the columnmean = int(calculateMean(trainsData, 'duration_minutes'))SDhigh = mean+3*SD上面的代码计算起始值。然后我们启动一个 while 循环来删除异常值。删除异常值后,我们重新计算标准差、均值和 SDhigh。这是 while 循环:while np.any(i >= SDhigh for i in minutes): #used to be >=, it doesnt matter for the outcome trainsData = trainsData[trainsData['duration_minutes'] < SDhigh] #used to be >=, this caused an infinite loop so I changed it to <=. Then to < minutes = trainsData['duration_minutes'].tolist() SD = int(calculateSD(trainsData, 'duration_minutes')) #calculates the SD of the column mean = int(calculateMean(trainsData, 'duration_minutes')) SDhigh = mean+3*SD print(SDhigh) #to see how the values changed and to confirm it is an infinite loop输出如下:611652428354322308300296296296296它继续打印 296,经过几个小时的尝试解决这个问题,我们得出的结论是我们没有我们希望的那么聪明。
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TA贡献1802条经验 获得超6个赞
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# create data
nums = np.random.normal(50, 8, 200)
df = pd.DataFrame(nums, columns=['duration'])
# set threshold based on percentiles
threshold = df['duration'].quantile(.95) * 2
# now only keep rows that are below the threshold
df = df[df['duration']<threshold]