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ServeMux 是一个 HTTP 请求多路复用器。它将每个传入请求的 URL 与注册模式列表进行匹配,并调用与 URL 最匹配的模式的处理程序。
ServeMux 本身就是一个http.Handler
使用 ServeMux 可以轻松实现这一目标:
gv1 := GlobalVars{
jobs: make(chan QueueElement),
appConfig: appConfig1,
gv2 := GlobalVars{
jobs: make(chan QueueElement),
appConfig: appConfig2,
gv3 := GlobalVars{
jobs: make(chan QueueElement),
appConfig: appConfig3,
sm := http.NewServeMux()
// Let gv{1,2,3} handle routes{1,2,3} respectively
sm.Handle("/route1", &gv1)
sm.Handle("/route2", &gv2)
sm.Handle("/route3", &gv3)
// Register the ServeMux as the sole Handler. It will delegate to the subhandlers.
server := http.Server{
Handler: sm,
Addr: ":" + globalAppConfig.Port,
自己构建。如果您只需要一台服务器,您可以使用 http 包级函数http.ListenAndServe和http.Handle来为您创建服务器和默认 ServeMux。
// same GlobalVars as above
// ...
// Instead of creating a ServeMux we can use the global DefaultServeMux
http.Handle("/route1", &gv1)
http.Handle("/route2", &gv2)
http.Handle("/route3", &gv3)
// Calling the package level ListenAndServe uses the single global server.
// Passing nil as the Handler uses the DefaultServeMux as Handler on which we registered the Handlers above.
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":" + globalAppConfig.Port, nil)
标准的一个小例子ServeMux,其中两个Handlers 服务 3 个路由
// Keeping this type simple for the example
type GlobalVars struct {
appConfig string
// This method makes every GlobalVars a net.http.Handler
func (gv *GlobalVars) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s here. Receiving request for %s\n", gv.appConfig, req.URL.Path)
func main() {
gv1 := &GlobalVars{
appConfig: "gv1",
gv2 := &GlobalVars{
appConfig: "gv2",
// Handle requires a route and a Handler, our gvs are Handlers.
// gv1 handles two routes, while gv2 handles only one.
http.Handle("/route1", gv1)
http.Handle("/route2", gv1)
http.Handle("/route3", gv2)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8000", nil))
$ curl localhost:8000/route1
gv1 here. Receiving request for /route1
$ curl localhost:8000/route2
gv1 here. Receiving request for /route2
$ curl localhost:8000/route3
gv2 here. Receiving request for /route3
这展示了如何使用有状态变量作为处理程序(例如 GlobalVars 类型的变量)。
注意:处理程序方法ServeHTTP有一个指针接收器GlobalVars。这意味着该方法可能会更改GlobalVars变量。HTTP 处理程序是并发执行的(想象一下在很短的时间内向同一处理程序发出多个请求,您将希望尽可能保持响应)。这个例子只读取appConfig值,所以没问题。然而,一旦对变量/字段进行写入,您就需要适当的同步。
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