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public function emfoco()
if (request()->input('f', 1) == 1) {
$emfocoCount = Noticia::count();
$emfocoCollection = Noticia::orderBy('created_at','desc')->take(4);
$emfoco = new LengthAwarePaginator($emfocoCollection, $emfocoCount, 6, LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPage('f'), [ 'pageName' => 'f' ]);
} else {
$emfocoCount = Noticia::count();
$emfocoCollection = Noticia::orderBy('created_at','desc')
// If this is e.g. page 5 you skip the 4 on page 1 and the 18 on the 3 other previous pages
$emfoco = new LengthAwarePaginator($emfocoCollection, $emfocoCount, 6, LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPage('f'), [ 'pageName' => 'f' ]);
$emfoco->setPath($request->getPathInfo()); // You might need this too
return view('em-foco')->with(['emfoco'=>$emfoco]);;
请注意,在这两种情况下,分页器都设置为假定每页有 6 个结果,尽管事实上第 1 页中只有 4 个结果。这是因为该数字基本上只是决定总页数。(我认为)这将导致计算出正确的总页数,尽管第一个结果将有 4 个结果(因为这就是我们要传递的所有结果)
更新:如果您有 6 个总结果,您可能会得到错误的页数,因此要修复,您可以将$emfocoCount+2总结果数传递过去,以补偿第一页的结果比正常情况下少 2 个的事实。

TA贡献1772条经验 获得超6个赞
public function emfoco()
if (!request()->get('f') || request()->get('f') == 1) {
$emfoco = Noticia::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(4, null, 'f');
} else {
$emfoco = $emfoco->skip(4 + ((request()->get('f') - 2) * 6))->take(6);
$emfoco = new LengthAwarePaginator($emfoco->get(), Noticia::count(), 6, request()->get('f'));
return view('em-foco')->with(['emfoco' => $emfoco]);;
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