这是我的代码,好的,我知道我的代码在算法上有 o^234234324 复杂性,但它适用于除 sequences/15.txt 和 sequences/16.txt 之外的所有序列import sysimport csvif len(sys.argv) != 3: print("useage: filenameofdata.cvs filenameofsequence.txt") sys.exit(1)with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as datafile: readdata = list(csv.reader(datafile))with open(sys.argv[2], "r") as sequencefile: readsequence = list(csv.reader(sequencefile))strs = list(readdata[0][1:])conlist = []dnanum = 0for move in (strs): sequence = list(readsequence[0][0]) consecutively = 0 l = len(move) cursor = [None] * 2 temp = [None] * l x = 0 counter = 0 while counter == 0: if sequence == []: conlist.append(consecutively) break for oneletter in (sequence): if x < 2: cursor[x] = oneletter temp[x] = oneletter x += 1 if x == l: asstring = ''.join(map(str, temp)) if asstring == move: dnanum += 1 move temp = [None] * l x = 0 continue else: if consecutively < dnanum: consecutively = dnanum oneletter = sequence.remove(cursor[0]) temp = [None] * l x = 0 dnanum = 0 break# this print was for check if i got the right str consecutivelyprint(conlist)conlist = ''.join(map(str, conlist))for y in readdata: x = ''.join(map(str, y[1:])) if conlist == x: print(y[0]) sys.exit(1)print("No match")当我尝试在 sequences/15.txt 和 sequences/16.txt 中调试它时,或者如果我尝试运行它们,我在调试时没有输出按摩错误
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for i in range(1, len(data[0])): # loop through all STR
count = 1
string = data[0][i] # assign each STR to a string
while string * count in dna: # if find 1 string, then try to find string*2, and so on
count += 1
counts.append(str(count - 1)) # should be decreased by 1 as initialized to 1