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# notice working with dates as strings, inequalities will only work if dates in format y-m-d
# otherwise it is safer to parse all date columns like `df_a.Date = pd.to_datetime(df_a)`
# create a groupby object once so we can efficiently filter df_b inside the loop
# good idea if df_b is considerably large and has many different IDs
gdf_b = df_b.groupby('ID')
b_IDs = gdf_b.indices # returns a dictionary with grouped rows {ID: arr(integer-indices)}
matched = [] # so we can collect matched rows from df_b
# iterate over rows with `.itertuples()`, more efficient than iterating range(len(df_a))
for i, ID, date in df_a.itertuples():
if ID in b_IDs:
gID = gdf_b.get_group(ID) # get the filtered df_b
inrange = gID.Start_Date.le(date) & gID.End_Date.ge(date)
if any(inrange):
gID.loc[inrange.idxmax()] # get the first row with date inrange
.values[1:] # use the array without column indices and slice `ID` out
matched.append([np.nan] * (df_b.shape[1] - 1)) # no date inrange, fill with NaNs
matched.append([np.nan] * (df_b.shape[1] - 1)) # no ID match, fill with NaNs
df_c = df_a.join(pd.DataFrame(matched, columns=df_b.columns[1:]))
ID Date Start_Date End_Date A B C D E
0 cd2 2020-05-12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 cd2 2020-04-12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 cd2 2020-06-10 2020-06-01 2020-06-24 a b c 10.0 20.0
3 cd15 2020-04-28 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 cd193 2020-04-13 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN