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TA贡献1803条经验 获得超6个赞
事情有点不对劲的地方在你的循环中。您正在遍历每个现有的迷你标签 span 元素,但您正在根据用户输入的值测试整个元素。您需要仅针对第一个文本节点进行测试,否则您将永远无法获得匹配项。
另外,当没有迷你标签元素时,一开始会发生什么?长度将为 0,所以你永远不会进入循环——你永远不会开始。
我们能做的是记住我们是否有匹配项,在有匹配项时跳出循环,如果没有匹配项则附加迷你标签 span。
顺便说一句,要注意的一件事是,如果您的用户在您的输入元素中键入了一些讨厌的代码,您将其放入 DOM 中,这可能很危险。由于您正在谈论标签,因此您可能希望丢弃所有非字母数字字符,但这取决于您的用例。
var inputTag = e.keyCode || e.which;
if (inputTag === 188) {
var spanValues = document.getElementsByClassName('mini-tag');
var thisValue = $(this).val().slice(0,-1);
//We just want to see if we have got a match
//We havent got one yet so let's remember that
let gotMatch = false;
//then go through testing the latest tag input against all those we already have to see if there is a match
if(thisValue === spanValues[i].firstChild.nodeValue){
gotMatch = true;
break; //once we've got a match we know we don't want to carry on looking through the existing tags so get out of the for loop
//now we have been through all the exising tags
//we append a span element with the tag (and some fancy fontawesome)into the tags div
if (!gotMatch) {
$('.tags').append("<span class='mini-tag'>" + thisValue +
"<i class='fas fa-times fa-xs'></i>" + " " + "</span>");
$(this).val(''); //and whether we got a match or not we want to clear the input element so the user can type in another tag
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input class="addTag" type="text"/>
<div class="tags"></div>