Usage如果在 Go 中的 cobra 命令上调用帮助函数,我希望能够设置该行以指定要传递的参数 NEEDS。这是常规帮助标志输出的内容:Cancel the order specified by the order id by submitting a cancel order.Optionally, an account ID may be supplied as well for extra measure.Usage: gbutil orders cancel [flags]Flags: -a, --account_id string the account id that the order belongs to -h, --help help for cancelGlobal Flags: --config string config file (default is $HOME/.gbutil.yaml)我想:Cancel the order specified by the order id by submitting a cancel order.Optionally, an account ID may be supplied as well for extra measure.Usage: gbutil orders cancel <order_id> [flags]Flags: -a, --account_id string the account id that the order belongs to -h, --help help for cancelGlobal Flags: --config string config file (default is $HOME/.gbutil.yaml)我试过SetUsageTemplate在init()函数中使用,但它删除了部分标志:orderscancelCmd.SetUsageTemplate(strings.Replace(orderscancelCmd.UsageString(), "gbutil orders cancel [flags]", "gbutil orders cancel <order_id> [flags]", 1))这导致:Cancel the order specified by the order id by submitting a cancel order.Optionally, an account ID may be supplied as well for extra measure.Usage: gbutil orders cancel <order_id> [flags]Flags: -a, --account_id string the account id that the order belongs to我在哪里丢失了-h标志和有关的附加信息Global Flags。如果他们不通过以下方式提供 arg,我可以让它工作: if err := cobra.ExactArgs(1)(cmd, args); err != nil { fmt.Println(strings.Replace(cmd.UsageString(), "gbutil orders cancel [flags]", "gbutil orders cancel <order_id> [flags]", 1)) return }但随后-h标志仍然输出错误的用法行。有没有办法做到这一点?提前致谢!
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var cmdCancel = &cobra.Command{
Use: "cancel <order_id>",
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), // make sure that only one arg can be passed
// Your logic here
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