2 回答
TA贡献1840条经验 获得超5个赞
package main
import (
type CodeDeployEvent struct {
DeploymentId string `json:"deploymentId"`
LifecycleEventHookExecutionId string `json:"lifecycleEventHookExecutionId"`
func HandleRequest(ctx context.Context, event CodeDeployEvent) (string, error) {
// add some tests here and change status flag as needed . . .
client := codedeploy.New(session.New())
params := &codedeploy.PutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatusInput{
DeploymentId: &event.DeploymentId,
LifecycleEventHookExecutionId: &event.LifecycleEventHookExecutionId,
Status: "Succeeded",
req, _ := client.PutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatusRequest(params)
_ = req.Send()
TA贡献1802条经验 获得超5个赞
调用发布到 sns 的函数会触发所有下游动作,这可能会获取下游服务的新版本或旧版本,这会在破坏 API 的情况下导致很多问题
IAM 更改会立即影响两个版本,可能会破坏旧版本。
创建金丝雀部署的 cdk 代码:
const versionAlias = new lambda.Alias(this, 'Alias', {
aliasName: "alias",
version: this.lambda.currentVersion,
const preHook = new lambda.Function(this, 'LambdaPreHook', {
description: "pre hook",
code: lambda.Code.fromAsset('dist/upload/convert-pre-hook'),
handler: 'main',
runtime: lambda.Runtime.GO_1_X,
memorySize: 128,
timeout: cdk.Duration.minutes(1),
environment: {
FUNCTION_NAME: this.lambda.currentVersion.functionName,
reservedConcurrentExecutions: 5,
logRetention: RetentionDays.ONE_WEEK,
// this.lambda.grantInvoke(preHook) // this doesn't work, I need to grant invoke to all functions :s
preHook.addToRolePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({
actions: [
resources: ["*"],
effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW,
const application = new codedeploy.LambdaApplication(this, 'CodeDeployApplication')
new codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroup(this, 'CanaryDeployment', {
application: application,
alias: versionAlias,
deploymentConfig: codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentConfig.ALL_AT_ONCE,
preHook: preHook,
autoRollback: {
failedDeployment: true,
stoppedDeployment: true,
deploymentInAlarm: false,
ignorePollAlarmsFailure: false,
// alarms:
// autoRollback: codedeploy.A
// postHook:
我的pre hook函数的go代码。PutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatus如果预挂钩成功,则告诉代码部署。不幸的是,如果部署消息失败,您在 cdk 部署输出中获得的消息将毫无用处,因此您需要检查挂钩前/后日志。
为了实际运行集成测试,我只需调用 lambda 并检查是否发生错误。
package main
import (
lambdaService "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/service/lambda"
var svc *codedeploy.CodeDeploy
var lambdaSvc *lambdaService.Lambda
type codeDeployEvent struct {
DeploymentId string `json:"deploymentId"`
LifecycleEventHookExecutionId string `json:"lifecycleEventHookExecutionId"`
func handler(e codeDeployEvent) error {
params := &codedeploy.PutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatusInput{
DeploymentId: &e.DeploymentId,
LifecycleEventHookExecutionId: &e.LifecycleEventHookExecutionId,
err := handle()
if err != nil {
params.Status = aws.String(codedeploy.LifecycleEventStatusFailed)
} else {
params.Status = aws.String(codedeploy.LifecycleEventStatusSucceeded)
_, err = svc.PutLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatus(params)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed putting the lifecycle event hook execution status. the status was %s", *params.Status)
return nil
func handle() error {
functionName := os.Getenv("FUNCTION_NAME")
if functionName == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("FUNCTION_NAME not set")
log.Printf("function name: %s", functionName)
// invoke lambda via sdk
input := &lambdaService.InvokeInput{
FunctionName: &functionName,
Payload: nil,
LogType: aws.String(lambdaService.LogTypeTail), // returns the log in the response
InvocationType: aws.String(lambdaService.InvocationTypeRequestResponse), // synchronous - default
err := input.Validate()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("validating the input failed: %v", err)
resp, err := lambdaSvc.Invoke(input)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to invoke lambda: %v", err)
decodeString, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(*resp.LogResult)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to decode the log: %v", err)
log.Printf("log result: %s", decodeString)
if resp.FunctionError != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("lambda was invoked but returned error: %s", *resp.FunctionError)
return nil
func main() {
sess, err := session.NewSession()
if err != nil {
svc = codedeploy.New(sess)
lambdaSvc = lambdaService.New(sess)
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