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public class Contact
public string ID { get; }
public IList<Intent> Intents { get; }
public Contact(string id) { ID = id; Intents = new List<Intent>(); }
public class Intent
public IList<string> Transcripts { get; }
public string Name { get; }
public Intent(string name) { Name = name; Transcripts = new List<string>(); }
然后填充所有内容,假设我们已经通过您的查询获取了一个数据表,SELECT 应该按 ContactID 排序,意图:
//Create List<T> of type Contact
IList<Contact> contactInfo = new List<Contact>();
//Temp var for storing the contact to add to list
Contact contact = null;
//Temp var for storing current Intent object
Intent intent = null;
foreach(DataRow row in yourDataTable.Rows)
//If we are at a new contact, create the new contact object
if(contact == null || contact.ID != row["ContactId"].ToString())
if(contact != null)
if(contactInfo.Contacts.Where(x => x.ID == row["ContactId"].ToString()).Count() > 0)
//set contact to existing contact
contact = contactInfo.Contacts.Where(x => x.ID == row["ContactId"].ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
//set contact to a new Contact Object with the given contact id
contact = new Contact(row["ContactId"].ToString());
//IF we are at a new Intent create it and add to List of Intents of current contact
if(intent == null || intent.Name != row["Intent"].ToString()
//Per your comment Frank
//Check to see if we have an Intent in our contact.Intents list with the current Intent name
if(contact.Intents.Where(x => x.Name == row["Intent"].ToString()).Count() > 0)
intent = contact.Intents.Where(x => x.Name == row["Intent"].ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
intent = new Intent(row["Intent"].ToString());
contact.Intents[contact.Intents.Count - 1].Transcripts.Add(row["Transcript"].ToString());
contactInfo.Add(contact); //Add the final contact to the list
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