
POST 请求循环遍历 8 个不同的 url

POST 请求循环遍历 8 个不同的 url

GCT1015 2023-04-01 16:12:05
我从事一个项目已经有一段时间了。我发现这篇文章有些用处,但不确定它是否适合我的使用。功能:使用 GET 请求从 8 个不同的子网站读取 SharePoint 列表项。在单个登录页面上的数据表中以有序(分组)方式填充这些项目。DataTable 具有按程序分组的可折叠/可展开行,然后是可交付成果。带有打印/excel/PDF/更新表格按钮的下拉菜单。更新表有一个 HTML 表单,可将数据发送回与表单输入相关的 SharePoint 列表。我目前正在使用所有列表所在的 8 个不同的子站点。我想根据其“程序”值将新项目发送到正确的列表,因为每个不同的列表都是不同的程序。我知道我必须使用 if/else 语句,但我将如何使用 AJAX 调用来实现它?这是我的 JS“POST”代码:$("#btn").click(function(e) {            PostItem();        });    });            function PostItem() {            return getFormDigest("https://baseurl.sharepoint.com/sites/Projects/USMC/AMMO/Lists/AMMODeliverables/").then(function(digestData) {                console.log(digestData.d.GetContextWebInformation.FormDigestValue);                var item = {                    "__metadata": { "type": "SP.Data.AMMODeliverablesListItem" },                    "Title": "updated title",                    "Program": $("#dProgram").val(),                    "Deliverable": $("#dDeliverable").val(),                    "To": $("#dTo").val(),                    "Date": $("#dDate").val(),                    "Approved": $("#dApproved").val(),                    "Notes": $("#dNotes").val()                };                                $.ajax({                    async: true, // Async by default is set to “true” load the script asynchronously                      // URL to post data into sharepoint list  or your own url                    url: "https://baseurl.sharepoint.com/sites/Projects/USMC/AMMO/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('AMMO Deliverables')/items",                    method: "POST", //Specifies the operation to create the list item                      data: JSON.stringify(item),                    headers: {                        "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",                        "X-RequestDigest": digestData.d.GetContextWebInformation.FormDigestValue,                        "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",                        "If-Match": "*"                    }, 

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function getFormDigest(baseurl) {


    // you pass in a "baseurl" value above, but you're not really doing anything with it.

    // the URL you use below is hardcoded to always

    // make the request to the /sites/Projects/USMC/AMMO site

    return $.ajax({

        url: "https://baseurl.sharepoint.com/sites/Projects/USMC/AMMO/_api/contextInfo",

        method: 'POST',

        headers: {

            'Accept': 'application/json; odata=verbose'



您需要做的是更改它,以便您可以将站点 URL 传递给它并从您尝试将新项目发布到的实际站点获取有效的表单摘要:

function getFormDigest(siteUrl) {

    return $.ajax({

        url: siteUrl + "/_api/contextInfo",

        method: 'POST',

        headers: {

            'Accept': 'application/json; odata=verbose'




接下来,您需要更改您的PostItem函数以对所选程序的当前值做出反应,并根据该值选择一些正确的值。我在评论中看到您发布了一个小片段,您正在创建一个地图,该地图将根据所选程序的密钥吐出正确的 URL。如果您只需要一个值,那是可行的,但是,由于您说过每个子站点上的列表名称都不同,因此您实际上需要根据所选程序动态生成三个不同的值:

  1. 站点本身的 URL,以便您可以获得有效的表单摘要,

  2. 列表名称,以便您可以为新项目的 JSON__metadata属性获取正确的列表项目实体类型值。您有执行此操作的功能,但您没有使用它。此外,您还需要列表名称:

  3. 一个包含站点和列表名称的URL ,以便您可以发布新的列表项(因为这样做的 URL 本质上是[URL to site]/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('[list name]')/items

您可以执行一系列if..then..else if..then..else if..then..else语句,但是对于超过两个或三个可能的值,这会变得很麻烦。一种更简洁的方法是使用语句switch。因此,PostItem如果您使用 aswitch来评估所选程序值是什么,然后基于该值动态设置站点 URL 和列表名称,那么您的函数可能如下所示:

function PostItem() {

    // the base URL should be what is the same across all subsites. in comments

    // you said the subsites start to differ after /sites/Projects.

    var baseUrl = "https://your-tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/Projects";

    // get the selected program from your form

    var programName = $("#dProgram").val();

    var siteUrl = null; // set this as empty for now

    var listName = null; // set this as empty for now

    // a "switch" statement is like a fancy "if" statement that is

    // useful if you have more than just two or three options

    switch (programName) {

        case "AMMO":

            // set the site url to be whatever it is after /sites/Projects.

            // in the case of AMMO, you have already posted that the "AMMO"

            // subsite is under a "USMC" subsite that is under "Projects"

            siteUrl = baseUrl + "/USMC/AMMO";

            listName = "AMMODeliverables";


        case "AHR":

            // set the site url to be whatever it is after /sites/Projects.

            // IF in this case the "AHR" subsite is directly under /Projects

            // and NOT under another subsite (as is the case with /USMC/AMMO),

            // you just add that directly:

            siteUrl = baseUrl + "/AHR";

            // HOWEVER, if it is under another subsite with a different name, similar

            // to how "AMMO" is actually under another subsite called "USMC", then you

            // would include that "Other" subsite here:

            siteUrl = baseurl + "/Other/AHR";

            // set the list name, since you said the list names

            // are different in each of the subsites

            listName = "AHR Deliverables";


        case "FOO":

            // pretending that "FOO" is _directly_ under /sites/Projects

            siteUrl = baseurl + "/FOO";

            listName = "FOO Thingys";


        case "BAR":

            // pretending that "BAR" is NOT directly under /sites/Projects,

            // but is in fact under another "Different" subsite

            siteUrl = baseurl + "/Different/BAR";

            listName = "BAR Whatchamacallits";


            // all switch statements need a default option in case

            // what we are checking does not match any any of the options

            // we are expecting. in this instance, we will _not_ set

            // a site URL or list name so that we do not try to post

            // to s non-existent site or list



    // if we didn't get one of our expected choices for programName, then siteUrl

    // will not have been populated in the switch, so we can check and make sure we

    // actually have a valid siteUrl before we start sending AJAX requests out

    if (siteUrl) {

        // pass the siteUrl into your improved getFormDigest function so

        // that you get the correct form digest from the site you are

        // actually trying to post a new item to.

        // also, you don't actuall need the "return" here.

        getFormDigest(siteUrl).then(function(digestData) {


            // use your getItemTypeForListName function to get the

            // correct SharePoint List Item Entity Type name based on

            // the list name


            var listItemEntityType = getItemTypeForListName(listName);

            // construct the URL to post the new list item to based on the siteUrl

            // and the listName, which vary based on the selected projecName

            var postNewItemUrl = siteUrl + "/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('" + listName + "')/items";

            // construct your new item JSON.  you said all the fields

            // in all the lists are the same, so the only thing that really

            // needs to dynamically chage here is the entity type name,

            // which was generated based on the list name

            var item = {

                "__metadata": { "type": listItemEntityType },

                "Title": "updated title",

                "Program": programName,

                "Deliverable": $("#dDeliverable").val(),

                "To": $("#dTo").val(),

                "Date": $("#dDate").val(),

                "Approved": $("#dApproved").val(),

                "Notes": $("#dNotes").val()




                // use your dynamically generated URL here

                url: postNewItemUrl,

                method: "POST", //Specifies the operation to create the list item  

                data: JSON.stringify(item),

                headers: {

                    "content-type": "application/json;odata=verbose",

                    "X-RequestDigest": digestData.d.GetContextWebInformation.FormDigestValue,

                    "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose",

                    "If-Match": "*"


                success: function(data) {

                    alert('Success'); // Used sweet alert for success message

                    console.log(data + " success in updating item");


                error: function(data) {








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