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TA贡献1846条经验 获得超7个赞
正如@SnailCrusher 所示,您可以静态定义返回类型。还有一种方法可以动态地将类型分配给返回的道具:
// this interface defines potential parameters to the methods
interface Tokens {
foo: number,
bar: string,
// return one prop in the result object
// this methods only accept keys of the interface Tokens as valid inputs
function test<K extends keyof Tokens>(key: K) {
switch(key) {
case 'foo': return { [key]: 0 } as {[prop in K]: Tokens[K]}
case 'bar': return { [key]: '0' } as {[prop in K]: Tokens[K]};
return { [key]: undefined } as {[prop in K]: Tokens[K]}
const bar = test('bar') // { bar: string }
const foo = test('foo') // { foo: number }
// return full interface in the result object
// the given token will be set an all other props will be optional
function test2<K extends keyof Tokens>(key: K) {
return { [key]: 6 } as {[prop in K]: Tokens[K]} & {[P in keyof Tokens]?: Tokens[P];}
const bar2 = test2('bar') // { foo?: number; bar: string; }
const foo2 = test2('foo') // { foo: number; bar?: string; }
这还将在有效参数上为您的 IDE 添加丰富的上下文。
您可以在 Typescript 文档中阅读更多内容: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html#index-types-and-index-signatures
TA贡献1829条经验 获得超4个赞
function test<K extends string>(key: K) {
return { [key]: 6 } as {[prop in K]: number}
const foo = test('bar') // { bar: number }
TA贡献1815条经验 获得超13个赞
function test(key: string): { [key: string]: number } {
return { [key]: 6 };