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import * as React from "react";
import { mount, ReactWrapper } from "enzyme";
import EditCard from "../path/to/EditCard";
I'd recommend defining jest fns here to make them easier to reference anywhere
within the tests below; otherwise, it'll have to referenced via
'defaultProps.updateUser', 'defaultProps.showSnackbar', ...etc.
Using 'const' here allows us to define these variables within the
module's closure -- in short, only accessible within these tests and NOT
globally accessible (from other file tests).
const showSnackbar = jest.fn();
const toggleEditing = jest.fn();
const updateUser = jest.fn();
if the EditCard component is properly typed, then you shouldn't need to
add types to this 'defaultProps' object
const defaultProps = {
user: mockUsers[0]
describe('The EditCard screen', () => {
let wrapper: ReactWrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
I'd recommend mount over shallow because child components can be
deeply nested and require multiple .dive calls; however, if
you know the child components of "EditCard" are just simple JSX elements,
then shallow will be fine
wrapper = mount(<EditCard {...defaultProps} />);
it("should not call 'updateUser' when the form is submitted with an empty '#Name' field", () => {
I'm not sure what simulating "null" does for this input, but assuming this
input is required you should at least pass a string value -- assuming
"#Name" input is of type 'text' | 'password' | 'email' => string and
not a number. On a related note, if it's required, then simply remove this
code as it doesn't do much for the test.
// wrapper.find('#Name').simulate('change', { target: { value: "" } });
I'm assuming this then simulates a form submit. Unfortunately,
pressing the submit button won't work. Instead you'll have to
simulate a form submit. This is a limitation of Enzyme and last I
checked hasn't been/can't be fixed.
it should then NOT call the jest.fn() "updateUser" when submitted since
'#Name' is empty. Notice that we're referencing 'updateUser' -- the jest fn
defined above -- and not the wrapper.prop fn.
// include other tests...