2 回答

TA贡献1982条经验 获得超2个赞
编辑:最初,缓存是基于功能的。因此,“/rounds/1”给出了与“/rounds/2”相同的(缓存的)值。我们将完整的 URL 添加到缓存键来解决这个问题。
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
Python >= 2.4
Django >= 1.0
Author: eu@rafaelsdm.com
# https://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2524/
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20146741/django-per-user-view-caching
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62913281/django-1-11-disable-cache-for-authentificated-users
from django.core.cache import cache
def cache_per_user(ttl=None, prefix=None):
'''Decorador que faz cache da view pra cada usuario
* ttl - Tempo de vida do cache, não enviar esse parametro significa que o
cache vai durar até que o servidor reinicie ou decida remove-lo
* prefix - Prefixo a ser usado para armazenar o response no cache. Caso nao
seja informado sera usado 'view_cache_'+function.__name__
* cache_post - Informa se eh pra fazer cache de requisicoes POST
* O cache para usuarios anonimos é compartilhado com todos
* A chave do cache será uma das possiveis opcoes:
'%s_%s'%(prefix, user.id)
'view_cache_%s_%s'%(function.__name__, user.id)
def decorator(function):
def apply_cache(request, *args, **kwargs):
# No caching for authorized users:
# they have to see the results of their edits immideately!
can_cache = request.user.is_anonymous() and request.method == 'GET'
# Gera a chave do cache
if prefix:
CACHE_KEY = '%s_%s'%(prefix, 'anonymous')
CACHE_KEY = 'view_cache_%s_%s_%s'%(function.__name__, request.get_full_path(), 'anonymous')
if can_cache:
response = cache.get(CACHE_KEY, None)
response = None
if not response:
print 'Not in cache: %s'%(CACHE_KEY)
response = function(request, *args, **kwargs)
if can_cache:
cache.set(CACHE_KEY, response, ttl)
return response
return apply_cache
return decorator
from cache_per_user import cache_per_user as cache_page
def round_detail(request, pk):