我有以下 Java 类,我想(在概念上)移植到 python。这个想法是你有一个闹钟线程,它会休眠 x 秒(直到第二天早上),除非设置了新的唤醒时间,此时休眠线程被中断,新的剩余时间被设置并且它在那个时间休眠。如果完成休眠,则触发闹钟声音并等待设置新的唤醒时间我想将它移植到 Python,但我只花了几个小时在谷歌上搜索,虽然有 1001 种方法可以在 Python 中管理线程和休眠,但我找不到如何让 sleep() 持续 x 秒但也发送中断的方法。需要明确的是,我不需要有人为我编写整个类,只需一个简单的睡眠和中断示例就足够了,这样我就可以理解它在 Python 中的完成方式。package com.njitram.bedroomtunes.server.alarm;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.util.Calendar;import com.njitram.bedroomtunes.log.Logger;public class AlarmThread extends Thread { private Calendar wakeupTime; private Alarm alarm; /* * Constructor to disable the alarm */ public AlarmThread(Alarm alarm) { this(null, alarm); } public AlarmThread(Calendar wakeupTime, Alarm alarm) { this.alarm = alarm; if(wakeupTime == null) { disable(); } else { setNewWakeUpTime(wakeupTime); } this.start(); } public void setNewWakeUpTime(Calendar wakeupTime) { Logger.log("New Wake time set for AlarmThread: " + new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(wakeupTime.getTime())); this.wakeupTime = wakeupTime; // If the thread was already started, it will be sleeping. Wake it up and recalculate how long it needs to sleep. Interrupting will achieve this. this.interrupt(); } public void disable() { setNewWakeUpTime(getDisabledTime()); } private Calendar getDisabledTime() { // The idea is to disable the alarm. If the alarm eventually goes off in the year 3000, I deserve to wake up... Calendar wakeupTime = Calendar.getInstance(); wakeupTime.set(Calendar.YEAR, 3000); return wakeupTime; }