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更新:在 ipv6 的情况下使用 BigInt 以响应下面的评论
对于 IPv4 使用:
ipv4.split('.').reduce(function(int, value) { return int * 256 + +value })
对于 IPv6,您首先需要解析十六进制值,十六进制值代表 2 个字节:
ipv6.split(':').split(':').map(str => Number('0x'+str)).reduce(function(int, value) { return BigInt(int) * BigInt(65536) + BigInt(+value) })
我还在引用的要点中添加了 ipv6 解决方案。
TA贡献1765条经验 获得超5个赞
const IPv4ToInt = ipv4 => ipv4.split(".").reduce((a, b) => a << 8 | b) >>> 0;
和一个简单的 IPv6 实现:
const IPv6ToBigInt = ipv6 => BigInt("0x" + ipv6.toLowerCase().split(":").map(v => v.padStart(4, 0)).join(""));
// normalizes several IPv6 formats to the long version
// in this format a string sort is equivalent to a numeric sort
const normalizeIPv6 = (ipv6) => {
// for embedded IPv4 in IPv6.
// like "::ffff:"
ipv6 = ipv6.replace(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/, ipv4 => {
const [a, b, c, d] = ipv4.split(".");
return (a << 8 | b).toString(16) + ":" + (c << 8 | d).toString(16)
// shortened IPs
// like "2001:db8::1428:57ab"
ipv6 = ipv6.replace("::", ":".repeat(10 - ipv6.split(":").length));
return ipv6.toLowerCase().split(":").map(v => v.padStart(4, 0)).join(":");
const IPv6ToBigInt = ipv6 => BigInt("0x" + normalizeIPv6(ipv6).replaceAll(":", ""));
// tests
"2001:0db8:85a3:08d3:1319:8a2e:0370:7345", // check precision
].forEach(ip => console.log({
normalized: normalizeIPv6(ip),
bigInt: IPv6ToBigInt(ip).toString() // toString() or SO console doesn't print them.
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