在下面的示例中,为什么在“Bonjour”之前打印“Greetings done”?发送例程不应该等到接收例程收到通道中的值吗?package mainimport ( "fmt")func greetings(c chan string) { fmt.Println(<-c) c <- "Bonjour" fmt.Println("Greetings done")}func main() { myChannel := make(chan string) // creates routine and leaves it upto Go to execute go greetings(myChannel) // while greetings() routine is getting executed, a new value is written to channel by main function myChannel <- "hi from main" // now main function (sender routine) is blocked. It wont proceed until another routine reads from the channel // By then greetings() routine will read the value and prints it. Hence "hi from main" gets printed // Now main function proceeds and moves to next line // simultaneously, greetings() would have written "Bonjour" to channel // main routine will receive it and prints it fmt.Println(<-myChannel) fmt.Println("main done")}该程序的输出是:hi from mainGreetings doneBonjourmain done发送例程不应该等到接收例程收到通道中的值吗?意思是不应该在“Bonjour”之后打印“Greetings done”吗?因为发送例程(问候语)将被阻塞,直到主例程收到它的值。
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TA贡献1998条经验 获得超6个赞
“Greetings done”和“Bonjour”之间没有明确的顺序。换句话说,它们可能以任何顺序出现,并且这仍然是程序的有效行为。
不应该在“Bonjour”之后打印“Greetings done”吗?因为发送例程(问候语)将被阻塞,直到主例程收到它的值。
在主 goroutine 接收到它的值之前,发送者将被阻塞是正确的。尽管如此,主 goroutine 必须在接收到值后打印出来。
// main routine will receive it and prints it fmt.Println(<-myChannel)
这个评论基本上是正确的,但仅仅因为它执行了 A 和 B(接收和打印),并不意味着 A 和 B 同时发生。它只是接收同步的值。
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