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为此,您可以调用一种方法来过滤(或排序,无论您喜欢什么)subjectWithTopics 数组以显示它。
假设您从右侧隐藏的表格开始,单击按钮后将显示所选的 classId。
因此,我们从打印所有按钮的 ngFor 开始:
<button *ngFor="let c of classes" (click)="selectClass(c)">
{{ c.classname }}
至少在这个例子中,右手表格应该显示给定 classId 的所有选定元素,或者如果它没有元素则隐藏。我会这样做:
<table *ngIf="selectedSubjects && selectedSubjects.length > 0" >
<th> Subject name </th>
<th> Subject name </th>
<tr *ngFor="let subject of selectedSubjects">
<th> {{ subject.subjectName }} </th>
<th> {{ subject.topicName }} </th>
在控制器(.ts 文件)中,您编写“selectClass”函数,它将过滤 subjectWithTopics 数组,并将其放入我们新创建的数组“selectedSubjects”(您应该在控制器的类中定义):
this.selectedSubjects = subjectWithTopics.filter( topic => topic.classId === selectedClass.classid);

TA贡献1866条经验 获得超5个赞
您可以将主题存储在变量中并在 html 中呈现该变量。
您可以编写一个函数来在单击某个类时获取 Subjects。例如
let subjects = [];
this.subjects = this.subjectWithTopics.filter(subject=>subject.classId===classId)
<div ngFor="let subject of subjects">

TA贡献1806条经验 获得超8个赞
<!-- display unique subject array and on setTopics() will filter topics by subject name-->
<div *ngFor="let classname of classes" style="display:inline-block;">
<button style="margin: 0px 5px; color: blue;" (click)="setTopics(classname)">{{classname | uppercase}} </button>
<div *ngFor="let topic of topics">
<div (click)="setTopics(topic)">{{topic.topicName}} </div>
import { Component, VERSION, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-app',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ]
export class AppComponent implements OnInit{
name = 'Angular ' + VERSION.major;
classesArray = [
{classid:1,subjectName:"hindi", topicName : "topic1 of hindi class id 10" },
{classid:1,subjectName:"hindi", topicName : "topic2 of hindi class id 10" },
{classid:1,subjectName:"English", topicName : "topic1 of English class id 10" },
{classid:1,subjectName:"English", topicName : "topic2 of English class id 10" },
{classid:1,subjectName:"English", topicName : "topic3 of English class id 10" },
{classid:2,subjectName:"hINDI", topicName : "topic1 of hINDI class id 20" },
{classid:2,subjectName:"HINDI", topicName : "topic2 of hINDI class id 20" },
{classid:2,subjectName:"HINDI", topicName : "topic3 of HINDI class id 20" },
{classid:2,subjectName:"English", topicName : "topic1 of English class id 20" },
{classid:2,subjectName:"English", topicName : "topic2 of English class id 20" },
{classid:2,subjectName:"English", topicName : "topic3 of English class id 20" },
classes = [];
topics = [];
ngOnInit() {
// find unique class names
this.classes = this.classesArray.map((obj) => obj.subjectName.toLowerCase());
this.classes = this.classes.filter((v, i) => this.classes.indexOf(v) === i);
// default selected subject to hindi
// filter topics by subjectname and generate new topics array
setTopics(subjectName) {
this.topics = this.classesArray.filter((classes)=> classes.subjectName.toLowerCase() === subjectName.toLowerCase())