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假设:你的位置已经被存储成两个numpy array形状(N,),即位置x_n(或y_n)为n在[0, N),让我们称它们为x和y。通量存储在numpy array具有相同形状的 a 中fluxes。
1 - 密集案例 创建看起来像网格的东西:
#get minimums and maximums position
mins = int(x.min()), int(y.min())
maxs = int(x.max()), int(y.max())
#actually you can also add and subtract 1 or more unit
#in order to have a grid larger than the x, y extremes
#something like mins-=epsilon and maxs += epsilon
#create the grid
xx = np.arange(mins[0], maxs[0])
yy = np.arange(mins[1], maxs[1])
现在你可以执行一个 double for loop, tacking ,每次,两个连续的元素xx和yy,要做到这一点,你可以简单地采取:
x1 = xx[:-1] #excluding the last element
x2 = xx[1:] #excluding the first element
#the same for y:
y1 = yy[:-1] #excluding the last element
y2 = yy[1:] #excluding the first element
fluxes_grid = np.zeros((xx.shape[0], yy.shape[0]))
for i, (x1_i, x2_i) in enumerate(zip(x1, x2)):
for j, (y1_j, y2_j) in enumerate(zip(y1, y2)):
idx = np.where((x>=x1_i) & (x<x2_i) & (y>=y1_j) & (y<y2_j))[0]
fluxes_grid[i,j] = np.sum(fluxes[idx])
2 - 使用像 K-NN 这样的量化算法
如果你有很多 o 点,会发生什么,以至于循环需要几个小时?更快的解决方案是使用量化方法,例如 K 最近邻,刚性网格上的 KNN。有很多方法可以运行 KNN(包括已经实现的版本,例如sklearn KNN)。但如果您可以利用 GPU,则效率会有所不同。例如,这是我的 tensorflow (vs 2.1) 实现。定义方形网格后:
_min, maxs = min(mins), max(maxs)
xx = np.arange(_min, _max)
yy = np.arange(_min, _max)
您可以构建矩阵grid和位置矩阵X:grid = np.column_stack([xx, yy]) X = np.column_stack([x, y])
def pairwise_dist(A, B):
# squared norms of each row in A and B
na = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(A), 1)
nb = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(B), 1)
# na as a row and nb as a co"lumn vectors
na = tf.reshape(na, [-1, 1])
nb = tf.reshape(nb, [1, -1])
# return pairwise euclidead difference matrix
D = tf.sqrt(tf.maximum(na - 2*tf.matmul(A, B, False, True) + nb, 0.0))
return D
#compute the pairwise distances:
D = pairwise_dist(grid, X)
D = D.numpy() #get a numpy matrix from a tf tensor
#D has shape M, N, where M is the number of points in the grid and N the number of positions.
#now take a rank and from this the best K (e.g. 10)
ranks = np.argsort(D, axis=1)[:, :10]
#for each point in the grid you have the nearest ten.
现在您必须获取对应于这 10 个位置的通量并对它们求和。
我避免进一步指定第二种方法,我不知道你的目录的维度,如果你有或没有 GPU,或者你是否想使用这种优化。如果你愿意,我可以改进这个解释,前提是你有兴趣。