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TA贡献1802条经验 获得超4个赞
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
我正在做的是使用 Expression 动态生成问题中的 lambda。然后将其编译并注册到IServiceCollection.AddTransient.
public static class ChainConfigurator
public static IChainConfigurator<T> Chain<T>(this IServiceCollection services) where T : class
return new ChainConfiguratorImpl<T>(services);
public interface IChainConfigurator<T>
IChainConfigurator<T> Add<TImplementation>() where TImplementation : T;
void Configure();
private class ChainConfiguratorImpl<T> : IChainConfigurator<T> where T : class
private readonly IServiceCollection _services;
private List<Type> _types;
private Type _interfaceType;
public ChainConfiguratorImpl(IServiceCollection services)
_services = services;
_types = new List<Type>();
_interfaceType = typeof(T);
public IChainConfigurator<T> Add<TImplementation>() where TImplementation : T
var type = typeof(TImplementation);
return this;
public void Configure()
if (_types.Count == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"No implementation defined for {_interfaceType.Name}");
foreach (var type in _types)
private void ConfigureType(Type currentType)
// gets the next type, as that will be injected in the current type
var nextType = _types.SkipWhile(x => x != currentType).SkipWhile(x => x == currentType).FirstOrDefault();
// Makes a parameter expression, that is the IServiceProvider x
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IServiceProvider), "x");
// get constructor with highest number of parameters. Ideally, there should be only 1 constructor, but better be safe.
var ctor = currentType.GetConstructors().OrderByDescending(x => x.GetParameters().Count()).First();
// for each parameter in the constructor
var ctorParameters = ctor.GetParameters().Select(p =>
// check if it implements the interface. That's how we find which parameter to inject the next handler.
if (_interfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(p.ParameterType))
if (nextType is null)
// if there's no next type, current type is the last in the chain, so it just receives null
return Expression.Constant(null, _interfaceType);
// if there is, then we call IServiceProvider.GetRequiredService to resolve next type for us
return Expression.Call(typeof(ServiceProviderServiceExtensions), "GetRequiredService", new Type[] { nextType }, parameter);
// this is a parameter we don't care about, so we just ask GetRequiredService to resolve it for us
return (Expression)Expression.Call(typeof(ServiceProviderServiceExtensions), "GetRequiredService", new Type[] { p.ParameterType }, parameter);
// cool, we have all of our constructors parameters set, so we build a "new" expression to invoke it.
var body = Expression.New(ctor, ctorParameters.ToArray());
// if current type is the first in our list, then we register it by the interface, otherwise by the concrete type
var first = _types[0] == currentType;
var resolveType = first ? _interfaceType : currentType;
var expressionType = Expression.GetFuncType(typeof(IServiceProvider), resolveType);
// finally, we can build our expression
var expression = Expression.Lambda(expressionType, body, parameter);
// compile it
var compiledExpression = (Func<IServiceProvider, object>)expression.Compile();
// and register it in the services collection as transient
_services.AddTransient(resolveType, compiledExpression );

TA贡献1801条经验 获得超16个赞
public static IServiceCollection AddChained<TService>(this IServiceCollection services, params Type[] implementationTypes)
if (implementationTypes.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("Pass at least one implementation type", nameof(implementationTypes));
foreach(Type type in implementationTypes)
int order = 0;
services.AddTransient(typeof(TService), provider =>
//starts again
if (order > implementationTypes.Length - 1)
order = 0;
Type type = implementationTypes[order];
return provider.GetService(type);
return services;
services.AddChained<IService>(typeof(SomeTypeWithIService), typeof(SomeType));

TA贡献1887条经验 获得超5个赞
我通过引入 ChainLink(current, next) 的概念来发展你的想法。
public class ItemDecoratorChainLink : IItemDecorator
private readonly IItemDecorator[] _decorators;
public ItemDecoratorChainLink(
IItemDecorator current,
IItemDecorator next)
if (current == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(current));
_decorators = next != null
? new[] { current, next }
: new[] { current };
public bool CanHandle(Item item) =>
_decorators.Any(d => d.CanHandle(item));
public void Decorate(Item item)
var decorators = _decorators.Where(d => d.CanHandle(item)).ToArray();
foreach (var decorator in decorators)
因此,您不需要在链接内保留对“下一个”链接的引用,但会增加 chainLink 的负担。你的链接,其中,变得更干净,从重复中解脱出来,并且可以关心单一的责任。
public class ComponentChainBuilder<TInterface> : IChainBuilder<TInterface>
where TInterface : class
private static readonly Type InterfaceType = typeof(TInterface);
private readonly List<Type> _chain = new List<Type>();
private readonly IServiceCollection _container;
private readonly ConstructorInfo _chainLinkCtor;
private readonly string _currentImplementationArgName;
private readonly string _nextImplementationArgName;
public ComponentChainBuilder(
IServiceCollection container,
Type chainLinkType,
string currentImplementationArgName,
string nextImplementationArgName)
_container = container;//.GuardNotNull(nameof(container));
_chainLinkCtor = chainLinkType.GetConstructors().First();//.GuardNotNull(nameof(chainLinkType));
_currentImplementationArgName = currentImplementationArgName;//.GuardNeitherNullNorWhitespace(nameof(currentImplementationArgName));
_nextImplementationArgName = nextImplementationArgName;//.GuardNeitherNullNorWhitespace(nameof(nextImplementationArgName));
/// <inheritdoc />
public IChainBuilder<TInterface> Link(Type implementationType)
return this;
/// <inheritdoc />
public IChainBuilder<TInterface> Link<TImplementationType>()
where TImplementationType : class, TInterface
=> Link(typeof(TImplementationType));
public IServiceCollection Build(ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Transient)
if (_chain.Count == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("At least one link must be registered.");
var serviceProviderParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(IServiceProvider), "x");
Expression chainLink = null;
for (var i = _chain.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
var currentLink = CreateLinkExpression(_chain[i - 1], serviceProviderParameter);
var nextLink = chainLink ?? CreateLinkExpression(_chain[i], serviceProviderParameter);
chainLink = CreateChainLinkExpression(currentLink, nextLink, serviceProviderParameter);
if (chainLink == null)
// only one type is defined so we use it to register dependency
_container.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(InterfaceType, _chain[0], serviceLifetime));
// chain is built so we use it to register dependency
var expressionType = Expression.GetFuncType(typeof(IServiceProvider), InterfaceType);
var createChainLinkLambda = Expression.Lambda(expressionType, chainLink, serviceProviderParameter);
var createChainLinkFunction = (Func<IServiceProvider, object>)createChainLinkLambda.Compile();
_container.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(InterfaceType, createChainLinkFunction, serviceLifetime));
return _container;
private NewExpression CreateLinkExpression(Type linkType, ParameterExpression serviceProviderParameter)
var linkCtor = linkType.GetConstructors().First();
var linkCtorParameters = linkCtor.GetParameters()
.Select(p => GetServiceProviderDependenciesExpression(p, serviceProviderParameter))
return Expression.New(linkCtor, linkCtorParameters);
private Expression CreateChainLinkExpression(
Expression currentLink,
Expression nextLink,
ParameterExpression serviceProviderParameter)
var chainLinkCtorParameters = _chainLinkCtor.GetParameters().Select(p =>
if (p.Name == _currentImplementationArgName)
return currentLink;
if (p.Name == _nextImplementationArgName)
return nextLink;
return GetServiceProviderDependenciesExpression(p, serviceProviderParameter);
return Expression.New(_chainLinkCtor, chainLinkCtorParameters);
private static Expression GetServiceProviderDependenciesExpression(ParameterInfo parameter, ParameterExpression serviceProviderParameter)
// this is a parameter we don't care about, so we just ask GetRequiredService to resolve it for us
return Expression.Call(
new[] { parameter.ParameterType },
public static IChainBuilder<TInterface> Chain<TInterface, TChainLink>(
this IServiceCollection container,
string currentImplementationArgumentName = "current",
string nextImplementationArgumentName = "next")
where TInterface : class
where TChainLink : TInterface
=> new ComponentChainBuilder<TInterface>(
serviceProvider.Chain<IItemDecorator, ItemDecoratorChainLink>()
这种方法的完整示例可以在我的 GitHub 上找到:
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