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TA贡献1847条经验 获得超11个赞
您的函数未同时处理节点的主要原因Dijkstra是您等待 goroutine 在循环内完成(使用wg.Wait())。本质上,每个节点不是同时处理的。
func ondeDijkstra(node int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, list []Edge, nodes []int, neighbours []Edge, dataCh chan<- data){
defer wg.Done()
//your calculations
// ...
datach <- data{node, routes, distances}
dataCh首先,启动一个从通道读取并添加到地图的 goroutine 。我个人更喜欢这种解决方案,因为它可以避免同时修改地图。接下来,遍历节点,为每个节点启动一个 goroutine,并在循环后等待一切完成。
func Dijkstra(list []Edge, nodes []int) (map[int]map[int][]int, map[int]map[int]int) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
datach := make(chan data)
done := make(chan bool)
dijk := make(map[int]map[int][]int)
distance := make(map[int]map[int]int)
neighbors := getAllNeighbors(list, nodes)
//start a goroutine that will read from the data channel
go func(){
for d := range dataCh {
dijk[d.node] = d.routes
distance[d.node] = d.distances
done <- true //this is used to wait until all data has been read from the channel
for _, node := range nodes {
go oneDijkstra(node, &wg, list, nodes, neighbors, dataCh)
close(dataCh) //this closes the dataCh channel, which will make the for-range loop exit once all the data has been read
<- done //we wait for all of the data to get read and put into maps
return dijk, distance

TA贡献1946条经验 获得超3个赞
我认为将您的等待移到 for 循环之后并将结果直接分配给您的切片将满足您的需求。
for _, node := range nodes { //for every node we have we are going to get the shortest path to all the other nodes
wg.Add(1) //We add our next goroutine in the waitgroup
go func() { //goroutine
defer wg.Done();
dijk[node] , distance[node] = oneDijkstra(node, &wg, list, nodes, neighbors) //function that will give us the shortes path from the node to other nodes of the list
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