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TA贡献1802条经验 获得超4个赞
data() {
return {
currency: "USD",
methods: {
this.currency = newCurrency;
<span @click=changeCurrency('Euro')> Change currency </span>
TA贡献1942条经验 获得超3个赞
我不知道我是否明白了你的问题的逻辑,但也许你可以像这样使用 vue道具:
<FruitPrices fruit="apple" :currency="newCurrency || 'USD'"></FruitPrices>
<FruitPrices fruit="banana" :currency="newCurrency || 'GBP'"></FruitPrices>
<FruitPrices fruit="orange" :currency="newCurrency || 'USD'"></FruitPrices>
currency您可以在组件内定义道具FruitPrices。如果currency未定义 prop,则将第二种货币作为默认值(例如"newCurrency || 'GBP'",如果newCurrency为 null,则货币 GBP 将作为默认值)。
用于道具的 Vue 文档:https ://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-props.html
然后在主模板组件中,定义变量newCurrency并将该变量传递给currency组件的 prop FruitPrices:
data: () => {
newCurrency: null
methods: {
setNewCurrency() {
this.newCurrency = this.someFieldOfYourForm;
TA贡献1869条经验 获得超4个赞
让我们使用这个组件将货币、价格和水果传递给每个组件 FruitPrices 组件:
<!-- USD is selected by default, once the option change, the prices will be updated -->
<select v-model="currency">
<!-- allows to select one currency at time, it shows all the currencies
that exist in the currencies array data property -->
v-for="(currencyOption, index) in currencies"
<!-- show only the currency name as option -->
{{ currencyOption.name }}
<div v-for="(fruit, fruitIndex) in fruitsWithPrices" :key="fruitIndex">
<!-- if everything is working fine, you don't need close tags for empty
custom component, you can use '/' at the end of the first tag to self close it-->
<FruitPrices :name="fruit.name" :convertedPrice="fruit.convertedPrice" />
import FruitPrices from '../somePlace/FruitPrices'
export default {
name: "FruitPricesContainer",
components: { FruitPrices },
data: () => ({
fruits: [
name: 'Apple',
price: 0.2
name: 'Banana',
price: 0.3
name: 'Orange',
price: 0.25
currency: {
// Base currency, exchangeRate = 1
exchangeRate: 1,
name: 'USD'
// Used exchange rates only for demo purpose, not are the real and valid exchange rates
currencies: [
exchangeRate: 1,
name: 'USD'
exchangeRate: 1.2,
name: 'EUR'
exchangeRate: 0.7,
name: 'SGD'
exchangeRate: 700,
name: 'MXN'
exchangeRate: 3700,
name: 'COP'
computed: {
// The fruitsWithPrices listen for changes in both, the fruit and
// the currency, so once you change it by selecting a different currency
// the prices will be updated automatically (nice)
fruitsWithPrices() {
return this.fruits.map((fruit) => {
return {
...fruit, // Add name and original price to the returned object
convertedPrice: fruit.price * this.currency.exchangeRate // Add the price based on the exchange rate
现在,让我们创建 FruitPrices 组件:
<p>{{ name }}: {{ convertedPrice }}</p>
export default {
name: "FruitPrices",
props: {
name: {
type: String,
required: true
convertedPrice: {
type: Number,
required: true