我目前正在课外做一个个人项目,在阅读链接列表中的文本文件时遇到了一些问题。当阅读第一个双打时,我得到一个java.lang.NumberFormatException: empty String错误。我在程序中添加了一条打印行,将我试图解析的内容打印成双精度值,并且变量实际上不是空的,实际上是双精度值。就像我上面说的,我添加了一个打印行来打印出我试图解析为双精度的字符串,这似乎没问题。下面是读入并拆分为我正在打印的数组的字符串:500.0 % 04/05/2019 % This is paycheck 1 % true % 49.5我必须将两个字符串解析为双精度值,而我只遇到第一个字符串的问题。当我注释掉第一个正在解析的双精度值时,程序运行没有问题。以下是从运行到程序的完整输出 *File loading* *500.0* *Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: empty String* *at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(Unknown Source)* *at sun.misc.FloatingDecimal.parseDouble(Unknown Source)* *at java.lang.Double.parseDouble(Unknown Source)* *at fileHandling.readPaycheck(fileHandling.java:194)* *at UserMenu.main(UserMenu.java:20)*问题发生在以下代码行的“将数组拆分为其适当的临时变量”部分中:payCheckAmount = Double.parseDouble(tempArray[0]);这是此方法的代码public void readPaycheck(LinkedList<PayCheck> paycheck) throws IOException { // Declare Variables Scanner sc = new Scanner(payChecks); // Scanner used to read in from the payChecks text file String temp; // A string used to hold the data read in from the file temporarily String[] tempArray; // A String array used to temporarily hold data from the text file double payCheckAmount; // A double holding the amount of the paycheck String paycheckDate; // A string holding the date of the paycheck String description; // A string holding a description of the paycheck boolean payCheckSplit; // A boolean stating if the paycheck has been split or not double amountUnSplit; // A double // A while loop that runs while the text file still has data in it while (sc.hasNextLine()) { // Reading in a new line from the paycheck file temp = sc.nextLine(); // Splitting the line into an array tempArray = temp.split(" % "); } }
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while (sc.hasNextLine()) {
String temp = sc.nextLine();
if (temp.equals("")) { continue; } // <--- notice this line
String[] tempArray = temp.split(" % ");
// Splitting the array into its appropriate temp variables
double payCheckAmount = Double.parseDouble(tempArray[0]);
String paycheckDate = tempArray[1];
String description = tempArray[2];
boolean payCheckSplit = Boolean.parseBoolean(tempArray[3]);
double amountUnSplit = Double.parseDouble(tempArray[4]);