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import random
psg_rules_str = "S → NP VP\n" \
"NP → Det Adj N | Det N | Adj PropN | PropN\n" \
"VP → Vi | Vt NP | Vc Comp S"
terminals_str = "Det → the | a | some | any | every\n" \
"Adj → green | young | tired | confused\n" \
"N → dog | cat\n" \
"PropN → John | Mary\n" \
"Vi → sleeps | walks\n" \
"Vt → loves | hates\n" \
"Vc → says | thinks | believes\n" \
"Comp → that"
psg_rules_list = [a.split("→") for a in psg_rules_str.split("\n")]
for p in psg_rules_list:
p[0] = "_" + p[0].strip()
p[1] = p[1].split("|")
p[1] = ["_" + a.strip().replace(" ", " _") for a in p[1]]
terminals_list = [a.split("→") for a in terminals_str.split("\n")]
for t in terminals_list:
t[0] = "_" + t[0].strip()
t[1] = t[1].split("|")
t[1] = [a.strip() for a in t[1]]
def reachTerminals(from_nts, with_rules, with_ts):
from_nts = str.upper("_" + from_nts.replace("_", "").strip().replace(" ", " _"))
rule_tags = [a[0] for a in with_rules]
ts_tags = [a[0] for a in with_ts]
nts_todo = [a for a in rule_tags if a in from_nts]
while nts_todo:
for tag in nts_todo:
wr_index = rule_tags.index(tag)
repl_choices = with_rules[wr_index][1]
choice = random.choice(repl_choices)
from_nts = from_nts.replace(tag, choice, 1)
nts_todo = [a for a in rule_tags if a in from_nts]
ts_todo = [a for a in ts_tags if a in from_nts]
while ts_todo:
for tag in ts_todo:
wr_index = ts_tags.index(tag)
repl_choices = with_ts[wr_index][1]
choice = random.choice(repl_choices)
from_nts = from_nts.replace(tag, choice, 1)
ts_todo = [a for a in ts_tags if a in from_nts]
return from_nts
print(reachTerminals(from_nts = "s", with_rules = psg_rules_list, with_ts = terminals_list))
您可以使用的重要工具是 random.option 函数和 str.replace 函数的第三个参数,它只允许您替换子字符串的第一个匹配项。我还没有彻底测试代码,但它似乎按预期工作。输出示例:
green John loves some confused dog
Mary says that the tired dog says that some green cat hates some cat
every green dog loves young John
John loves the tired cat